District 29 – June 2012
June 12, 2012
Opened at 6:30pm.
Traditions were read by: Eric H.
3 Officers Were Present
DCM – Albert S.
Intergroup –
Secretary – Sheila H.
Treasurer – Luke F.
3 Meetings/Groups were Present
Back to Basics Group
Friday Night Eagle Group
Life Preserver Group
Secretary’s Report: Sheila H.
May 8, 2012 Minutes were read and approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Luke F.
Balance as of June 12, 2012 is $325.2
The new PO BOX has been obtained at $58.00 per year. The new PO BOX for District 29 is:
District 29
P.O. Box 5481
Lincoln, Ne. 68501-5481
There also is a new dedicated E-mail account for District 29: district29treasurer@gmail.com .
Intergroup Report: No Report
DCM Report:
The Corrections Power point has been emailed to GSR’s who have given their email address. This will not go to Area for Vote until September, this will allow the GSR’s to take the power point back to their groups and we will vote on this at the District meeting in August. CPC has sent information regarding their committee and the information about the “Working With Your Professionals” pamphlet that has been promised. To view go to www.area41.org → member service → log in with user id and password (please contact your GSR or DCM for user id and password) → standing committees → CPC → CPC packets. This is a basic idea to come up with a method by which any AA member, group, or district could easily prepare envelopes with selected pamphlets in each one for certain type of professional. You can also obtain an order form for pamphlets.
Old Business:
Districts will be voting in September at the Area 41 Conference on the Corrections Power Point that was provided at the District 29 Meeting in April.
Regarding the redistricting of Lancaster County, guidance that was given →: Each group is autonomous and the intent is not to change the Districts that groups currently participate in. the new boundaries do not affect groups at this time. If a group wishes to change the from the district that they have been participating in, they can submit the form to the Area 41 Registrar or their District DCM.
New Business:
Matt C. has resigned as the District 29 Intergroup Liaison. Intergroup meets the Last Friday of each month at the Willard Community Center at 6:30 pm. District 29 now needs a new intergroup liaison. The GSR’s will be taking this back to the groups
Luke F. discussed the need to have a second person on the checking account for District 29, Sheila H. and Luke will meet to get this taken care of.
Group Reports:
Back to Basics Group – Stacy N. (Monday 8:00PM ~ Lincoln)
The group has been growing and the new people are continuing to attend the meeting. Some new people have been participating too.
Friday Night Eagle Group – Eric H.(Friday 8:00PM ~ Eagle)
The group just had their 25th anniversary party and it went well. Pam R. was the speaker. The party went well. There were more than 40 people there. The group has a speaker on the 1st Friday of every month, attendance fluctuates week to week, but it’s always a good meeting.
Life Preserver Group – Steve B. (Friday 7:00PM ~ Lincoln)
Attendance is 30-35 people; the group is looking for an alternate GSR. The Group has changed the opening statements of the meeting to give a clearer understanding of a “Closed Meeting”. The group is going good, and if you have nothing to do on a Friday night, come on out.
Closed at 7:08pm. With the serenity prayer.
Next Meeting will be held July 10, 2012 at 28th and “S” streets 2nd floor Room 2A @ 6:30 pm.