Central Service Office – May 2012 (Amended)

Lincoln Central Service Office Board of Director’s Meeting

May 17, 2012 – Amended

  1. Open With Traditions: Klara
  2. Attendance:    Gary, Dru, Klara, DR, Neil, Jim, Marcella, Gayle, Ron & Eric
  3. Treasurer’s Report:  Eric   
  4. Income:      $5,811.12
    Expenses:    $8,053.63
    Loss:        ($2,242.51)

  5. President’s Report:  Jim K. – Inergroup does not want any non-related AA activities on the website calendar.
  6. Intergroup Report:  Ron
  7. District 3 got a DCM

  8. Office Manager’s Report:  Marcella
    • Total office calls in April:  171 12  step:   1
  9. Old Business:  
    • Need 1 alternate board member.  
    • Still discussing attending other meetings to discuss Central Office and it’s role in the community
  10. New Business:  
    • Jim will check The Meeting Place website to see if the calendar of events is posted on there.

Next Board Meeting:  June 14, 2012