District 29 – May 2012
May 8, 2012
Opened at 6:30pm.
Traditions were read by: Stacy N.
2 Officers were present
DCM – Albert S.
Secretary – Sheila H.
2 Meetings were present
Back to Basics Group
Midtown Group
Secretary’s Report: Sheila H. April 10, 2012 Minutes were read and approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Contributions were received from:
Midtown Group $25.00
Clubhouse Group $38.65
Intergroup Report: None
DCM Report: Literature for the Cornhusker Roundup is available if any groups need them.
Districts will be voting in September at the Area 41 Conference on the changes that were made to the Handbook and the Corrections Power Point that was provided at the District 29 Meeting in April. Albert S. can be contacted to view the proposed items and the handbook is available on the Area 41 website. DCM’s can get their user ID and Password from Albert.
Be prepared to vote on these items at the June District 29 Meeting.
Old Business: Continue to talk to groups that District 29 is still seeking people to serve as Alternate DCM and Alternate Intergroup representative.
New Business: There was discussion regarding the new boundaries. Albert S. said that he will speak with Kit and Doug for guidance on how to address some of the questions about the groups that are affected by the re-districting. (Download Lancaster County Boundaries)
Group Reports:
Back to Basics Group – Stacy N. (Monday 8:00PM ~ Lincoln) The group is doing fine. The amount of newcomers is continuing to grow and they are finding Sponsors.
Midtown Group – Kenny D. (Saturday 8:00PM ~ Lincoln) The group is doing Okay, and is averaging 18-24 people in attendance.
Closed at 7:16 pm with the serenity prayer.