District 3 – July 2012
July 3, 2012
Opened at 7:06 pm.
Traditions were read by: Seth H.
4 Officers Were Present
DCM – Bob M.
Intergroup – Mark S.
Secretary – Sheila H.
Treasurer – Darrel W.
3 Meetings Present
Rod M. Early Birds Group
Seth H. How It Works Group
Sheila H. Lincoln Foxhall Group
Secretary’s Report: Sheila H. read the June 5, 2012 District 3 Meeting Minutes and they were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Darrell W. Balance Forward ~ $455.82
Contributions were received from:
Sunday Noonish Group
How It Works
Lincoln Foxhall
Total Revenue 328.00
June Expenses, District 3 Rent for June 2012 through December 2012 in the amount of $30.00
Current District 3 Balance is $455.82 which includes $100.00 prudent reserve.
Intergroup Report: Mark S.
Balance: $2044.01 with a Contributions in the amount of $116.00. Rent was paid for the past due balance in the amount of $315.00 after the review of the submitted budgets, there will be balances of $559.56 after all of the obligations have been paid. There was a request that the committees submit their 2013 Budgets in August so that the Intergroup would be able to propose their budget. Website Chair will be paid for the website costs in the amount of $86.61 (annually). Treatment/Corrections are working on a workshop for later this year. Hotline had 112 Calls, 17 were 12 Step Calls, 95 were requesting meeting information and 38 were unanswered on the first try. Please make sure that you are available if you sign up for Hot Line and put the hotline number in your phone so that you recognize who is calling. Special events have a balance of $578.28 $200.00 will be spent on the July 4th event.
DCM Report: Bob M.
He will be meeting up with more groups in District 3 this month.
Bob has reviewed the Corrections Power Point. He has gotten more assistance with the Old timer’s event which will free up his time.
Old Business:
Continue to talk to groups that District 3 is still seeking people to serve as Alternate DCM & Alternate Intergroup Rep
New Business:
Groups will vote on Corrections power point next month after they have a chance to review the proposed power point.
Group Reports:
Early Birds Group – Rod M.
No changes. Attendance is good and the group has cohesiveness, the same people are attending Monday through Friday
How It Works Group – Seth H.
The Chair was not present for their last business meeting, however they did vote against the topic of potentially adding a babysitter for children at the meeting. The business meeting is the last Wednesday of the month at 8:30 pm.
Lincoln Foxhall Group – Sheila H.
The Foxhall group is a weekly speaker. The attendance is pretty consistent.
Closed at 7:37 pm. with the serenity prayer.
Next Meeting will be held August 7, 2012 at 28th and “S” Streets 2nd floor at 7:00 pm.