Central Service Office – July 2012
Lincoln Central Service Office Board of Director’s Meeting
July 19, 2012
Open With Traditions: Neil
Gary, Klara, DR, Jim, Marcella, Gayle, Neil, & Eric
Treasurer’s Report: Eric
Income: $4,834.54
Expenses: $7,339.51
Loss: ($2,504.97)
5. President’s Report: Jim K. will check with the meeting place about putting
flyers for upcoming events on-line
6. Intergroup Report: Ron Absent
7. Office Manager’s Report: Marcella
a. Total office calls in June: 162, 12 step: 4
Bulletin needs AA taken off. Should be Lincoln Central Office Bulletin
8. Old Business:
- Need 1 alternate board member.
- Still discussing attending other meetings to discuss Central Office and it’s role in the community
- Jim will bring up lack of a Bridging the Gap Committee and discuss creating one at Intergroup
- Ernie was to check on post office pick up of packages for Marcella.
9. New Business: Eric will supply us with the Central Office bylaws and will discuss at next meeting
Next Board Meeting: August 16, 2012