District 21 – July 2012
District 21 Meeting Minutes
July 15, 2012
12 Traditions read by: Vickie P
Officer Reports
Secretary’s Report (Michael F.): Jenni H approved, Nancy S second
Treasurer’s Report (Jon R.): ( See end of report for Treasurer’s Report through June 2012)
Beginning Balance: $335.04 (+$150 Prudent Reserve- Actual Balance is $485.04 )
Spiritual actions $61.56
Womens circle $50.00
Sufficient sub $71.00
rent $10.00
$50.00 shelter deposit
Ending Balance: $396.04 (+$150 Prudent Reserve- Actual Ending Balance $546.04)
Intergroup Liaison Report (Tom B):
( for full details, full report can be found on lincaa.org)
DCM report (Jennifer R.):
Since we met last, Jenni H emailed me the Group History for “Pockets of Enthusiasm,” which I forwarded to Big Al, the Area 41 Archives Chair. I also found out the reason why we had problems getting into the church at the June Dist 21 Business meeting, as the church had been sold. I had been attempting to reach Pastor Banks to discuss getting a copy of the lift key and to let him know of the problems we had getting in and he got back to me and let me know the church had been sold and gave me contact information for Pastor Jessie Myles. The Church is now “ No Greater Love Christian Fellowship Church” and I was able to reach Pastor Myles and the officers are meeting with him prior to the July Business meeting and I will be getting new keys, security password, etc.
At our last business meeting, Jenni H reported when she went to area 41 Reunion that she found out New World Inn has new ownership again. For them to honor our previous rates, we need to reserve our rooms at least 30 days prior to our Area Bus Meeting. So, if you plan on going in September, you will want to make your reservations soon, if you have not done so already.
Yours in Service, Jennifer R
Alt DCM Report : (Linda S) nothing to report
GSR Reports:
1 Pocket of Enthusiasm (Jenni H.): Had the anniversary last Wednesday, went really well, between 80 and 90 in attendance. Good cake, had the business meeting that night, got a new treasurer Andrew B. Jenni is now ONLY the GSR.
2. Sufficient Substitute (Becky N.): Attendance good, roughly 20, good speakers from the surrounding area.
3. Women’s Circle of Friends (Vickie P ): Quite a few people from treatment centers, and solid core group. She is going to do the history for the group. Going well.
4. Young People’s (Miranda R.): Not present
5. Cafeteria Group (Tom B.): Attendance good, 70 roughly speaking.
6. Spiritual Actions (Brian C.): Things are good.
7. Seeking Solutions (Nancy S. ): thing are really good, attendance great 90 last meeting. Still looking for intergroup rep, and need a new secretary.
8. Steps we Take: ( Michael F): a new air conditioner ready to go in, things are great.
9. 11th Step Group : (Jackie) – not present
District 21 Business
Old Business:
1.) Dist 21 Unity Picnic –
a ) Action steps completed & Items & commitments received:
1) Van Dorn Shelter reserved & rental fee of $80 paid (Linda S)
2) Flyers created (Becky N)
3) Women’s Circle of Friends donated ketchup/mustard/relish (Jennifer )
4) Dist 21 already has 50 plates, plenty of knives, coffee and 90-100 cups
5) Large Coffee Pot – Spiritual Actions (Brian C)
6) forks (50-100) – Pockets
7) spoons (50-100) – Pockets
8) plates (approx 50 more) – Nancy or Seeking Solutions
9 )napkins (1 large package) – Nancy or Seeking Solutions
10.) Cleaning Items- towels to clean up – Jennifer will bring kitchen towels
11.) Steps We Take will provide Buns
12.) Bob will bring his Grill and act as our “Grillmaster
b) Items still needed:
1) meat – Jenni H priced the following and will purchase:
$24.98 for 40 hamburger patties,
$8.98 for 30 fairbury brand hot dogs X 2
2) Jon gave a check to Linda S to pay the $50 damage deposit, which needs to be paid by Linda S at time key is picked up by 4:30PM 7/20
c) Service Workers/ Volunteers
1) Sufficient Substitute Group will be responsible for Drinks
2) Set Up (11:30 am)
3) Speakers (would like up to 8 – up to 10 minutes each)
– Vickie P – Women’s Circle of Friends
– Jenni H – Pockets of Enthusiasm
– Trent G. – Sufficient Substitute
– Kit J – Area 41 Delegate
– Charlie H – Spiritual Actions
– Michael F – Steps We Take
– Miranda – Saturday Seeking Solutions
– Jose or Tom – Cafeteria Group
4) Clean Up ( 3:30pm- we only have shelter reserved until 4 pm)
New Business:
1) Please review the Area 41 Newsletter and be prepared to discuss Voting Item at our July 15th for Sept 8-9 Area 41 Business Meeting ?
VOTE: AGENDA ITEM: 2012-1-21, #004, Corrections
Area 41 approve the PowerPoint presentation created by the Corrections committee for use in Area 41 corrections work. Background: Our delegate Leon A passed a PowerPoint presentation that was being used in corrections work in New York State. The area 41 corrections committee took it upon ourselves to change it to apply to our area to use. It was approved by the Corrections Committee at the November 2011 assembly to be sent to the floor for area 41 approval since it will be used out-side of AA. Area 41 Corrections Committee.
Discussion: Sufficient Substitute’s concerned with the process. It should have gone through general service conference, would be like everyone coming up with their own literature. If it is to be used across the board that it should be approved at GSO.
Good discussion regarding this item.
2) Sufficient Substitute Group asked to provide a budget for Dist 21. ( annual )
District 21 Unity Picnic – will be held Sunday, July 22nd, 12:30-4:00 pm
Next Dist 21 business meeting will be held Sunday, August 19th, 2012 at 4:30
Next Area 41 Assembly will be held Sat and Sun Sept 8th and 9th in Columbus
June 2012 — Dist 21 Financial Report
Ending Balance May 2012: $241.25
(+150.00 Prudent Reserve: $391.25)
Park Rental for Unity Picnic $80.00
May and June Rent: $20.00
DCM copying expense: $ 9.42
Seeking Solutions: $116.41
Steps We Take: $ 38.80
Principles Before Personalities $48.00
Total Balance Before Reserve $485.04
Prudent Reserve: ($150.00)
Total Available Balance: $335.04
July 2012 – District 21 Financial Report
July Rent: $10.00
Copying : $0
Expenses for Unity Picnic:
Refundable deposit: $50.00
Spiritual Actions: $61.56 (deposited 7/9)
Women’s Circle Of Friends: $50.00
Sufficient Substitute $71.00
Total w/Prudent Reserve $546.04
Prudent Reserve: ($150.00)
Total Ending Available Balance $396.04
District 21 Meeting Minutes
July 15, 2012
12 Traditions read by: Vickie P
Officer Reports
Secretary’s Report (Michael F.): Jenni H approved, Nancy S second
Treasurer’s Report (Jon R.): ( See end of report for Treasurer’s Report through June 2012)
Beginning Balance: $335.04 (+$150 Prudent Reserve- Actual Balance is $485.04 )
Spiritual actions $61.56
Womens circle $50.00
Sufficient sub $71.00
rent $10.00
$50.00 shelter deposit
Ending Balance: $396.04 (+$150 Prudent Reserve- Actual Ending Balance $546.04)
Intergroup Liaison Report (Tom B):
( for full details, full report can be found on lincaa.org)
DCM report (Jennifer R.):
Since we met last, Jenni H emailed me the Group History for “Pockets of Enthusiasm,” which I forwarded to Big Al, the Area 41 Archives Chair. I also found out the reason why we had problems getting into the church at the June Dist 21 Business meeting, as the church had been sold. I had been attempting to reach Pastor Banks to discuss getting a copy of the lift key and to let him know of the problems we had getting in and he got back to me and let me know the church had been sold and gave me contact information for Pastor Jessie Myles. The Church is now “ No Greater Love Christian Fellowship Church” and I was able to reach Pastor Myles and the officers are meeting with him prior to the July Business meeting and I will be getting new keys, security password, etc.
At our last business meeting, Jenni H reported when she went to area 41 Reunion that she found out New World Inn has new ownership again. For them to honor our previous rates, we need to reserve our rooms at least 30 days prior to our Area Bus Meeting. So, if you plan on going in September, you will want to make your reservations soon, if you have not done so already.
Yours in Service, Jennifer R
Alt DCM Report : (Linda S) nothing to report
GSR Reports:
1 Pocket of Enthusiasm (Jenni H.): Had the anniversary last Wednesday, went really well, between 80 and 90 in attendance. Good cake, had the business meeting that night, got a new treasurer Andrew B. Jenni is now ONLY the GSR.
2. Sufficient Substitute (Becky N.): Attendance good, roughly 20, good speakers from the surrounding area.
3. Women’s Circle of Friends (Vickie P ): Quite a few people from treatment centers, and solid core group. She is going to do the history for the group. Going well.
4. Young People’s (Miranda R.): Not present
5. Cafeteria Group (Tom B.): Attendance good, 70 roughly speaking.
6. Spiritual Actions (Brian C.): Things are good.
7. Seeking Solutions (Nancy S. ): thing are really good, attendance great 90 last meeting. Still looking for intergroup rep, and need a new secretary.
8. Steps we Take: ( Michael F): a new air conditioner ready to go in, things are great.
9. 11th Step Group : (Jackie) – not present
District 21 Business
Old Business:
1.) Dist 21 Unity Picnic –
a ) Action steps completed & Items & commitments received:
1) Van Dorn Shelter reserved & rental fee of $80 paid (Linda S)
2) Flyers created (Becky N)
3) Women’s Circle of Friends donated ketchup/mustard/relish (Jennifer )
4) Dist 21 already has 50 plates, plenty of knives, coffee and 90-100 cups
5) Large Coffee Pot – Spiritual Actions (Brian C)
6) forks (50-100) – Pockets
7) spoons (50-100) – Pockets
8) plates (approx 50 more) – Nancy or Seeking Solutions
9 )napkins (1 large package) – Nancy or Seeking Solutions
10.) Cleaning Items- towels to clean up – Jennifer will bring kitchen towels
11.) Steps We Take will provide Buns
12.) Bob will bring his Grill and act as our “Grillmaster
b) Items still needed:
1) meat – Jenni H priced the following and will purchase:
$24.98 for 40 hamburger patties,
$8.98 for 30 fairbury brand hot dogs X 2
2) Jon gave a check to Linda S to pay the $50 damage deposit, which needs to be paid by Linda S at time key is picked up by 4:30PM 7/20
c) Service Workers/ Volunteers
1) Sufficient Substitute Group will be responsible for Drinks
2) Set Up (11:30 am)
3) Speakers (would like up to 8 – up to 10 minutes each)
– Vickie P – Women’s Circle of Friends
– Jenni H – Pockets of Enthusiasm
– Trent G. – Sufficient Substitute
– Kit J – Area 41 Delegate
– Charlie H – Spiritual Actions
– Michael F – Steps We Take
– Miranda – Saturday Seeking Solutions
– Jose or Tom – Cafeteria Group
4) Clean Up ( 3:30pm- we only have shelter reserved until 4 pm)
New Business:
1) Please review the Area 41 Newsletter and be prepared to discuss Voting Item at our July 15th for Sept 8-9 Area 41 Business Meeting ?
VOTE: AGENDA ITEM: 2012-1-21, #004, Corrections
Area 41 approve the PowerPoint presentation created by the Corrections committee for use in Area 41 corrections work. Background: Our delegate Leon A passed a PowerPoint presentation that was being used in corrections work in New York State. The area 41 corrections committee took it upon ourselves to change it to apply to our area to use. It was approved by the Corrections Committee at the November 2011 assembly to be sent to the floor for area 41 approval since it will be used out-side of AA. Area 41 Corrections Committee.
Discussion: Sufficient Substitute’s concerned with the process. It should have gone through general service conference, would be like everyone coming up with their own literature. If it is to be used across the board that it should be approved at GSO.
Good discussion regarding this item.
2) Sufficient Substitute Group asked to provide a budget for Dist 21. ( annual )
District 21 Unity Picnic – will be held Sunday, July 22nd, 12:30-4:00 pm
Next Dist 21 business meeting will be held Sunday, August 19th, 2012 at 4:30
Next Area 41 Assembly will be held Sat and Sun Sept 8th and 9th in Columbus
June 2012 — Dist 21 Financial Report
Ending Balance May 2012: $241.25
(+150.00 Prudent Reserve: $391.25)
Park Rental for Unity Picnic $80.00
May and June Rent: $20.00
DCM copying expense: $ 9.42
Seeking Solutions: $116.41
Steps We Take: $ 38.80
Principles Before Personalities $48.00
Total Balance Before Reserve $485.04
Prudent Reserve: ($150.00)
Total Available Balance: $335.04
July 2012 – District 21 Financial Report
July Rent: $10.00
Copying : $0
Expenses for Unity Picnic:
Refundable deposit: $50.00
Spiritual Actions: $61.56 (deposited 7/9)
Women’s Circle Of Friends: $50.00
Sufficient Substitute $71.00
Total w/Prudent Reserve $546.04
Prudent Reserve: ($150.00)
Total Ending Available Balance $396.04