PI/CPC Minutes – August 2012

PICPC Minutes
August 12, 2012

Attendance: 4
Secretary’s Report:     April Minutes
Treasurer’s Report:     NA

Jessi will get current balance from Jeff to include in budget submission to Intergroup at the end of the month. Amanda will speak with Jeff to see where he stands with treasurer’s position.

Intergroup Report:     See minutes.
Old Business:        Budget
– Decided to lower to from $250 a quarter to $150 a quarter.
($600 in 2013 rather than $1,000)
+ Will be used for books, pamphlets, mailings, printing costs, facility costs, display costs.
– Jessi will submit this budget to Intergroup at the end of the month.
Contacting Facilities/Entities

  • SCC: Kjerstin has been in contact with
  • Adult Probation: Kjerstin has been in contact with
  • TAP: Have number for, need to contact
  • Juvenile Probation: Have number for, need to contact
  • Diversion: Have number for, need to contact
  • Drug Court: Jessi & Bernice will meet with on August 23, 1pm
  • Treatment Centers: Bernice & Jessi collected names of facilities and numbers, Bernice will call each to get specific contacts.

New Business:

  • Amanda will check with Jeff to see if he is still taking old Grapevines to waiting areas (hospitals, doctors’ offices, etc.)
    • Mention Emergency Rooms
    • Jessi has a box of more old Grapevines to be used.
  • Jessi will get 100 pamphlets from Area – 12 questions (alcoholism)

Plan of Action – Moving forward:

  • Solidify all contacts from new business
  • Kjerstin will send out letter she has used for us all to look over.
    • Come back with feedback on letter in September.