District 3 – August 2012
August 10, 2012
Opened at 7:00 pm.
Traditions were read by: Sheila H.
4 Officers Were Present
DCM – Bob M.
Intergroup – Mark S.
Secretary – Sheila H. .
Treasurer – _Darrel W.
5 Groups were Present
Rod M. Early Birds Group
Seth H. How It Works Group
Sheila H Lincoln Foxhall Group
Candy L. 60 Minutes
Debbie C. Sunday Noonish Group
Secretary’s Report: Sheila H. read the June 5, 2012 District 2 Meeting Minutes which were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Darrell W. Balance Forward ~ $455.82
Beginning Balance $455.82
July Revenue $0.00
July Expense $0.00
Current District Balance (includes $100.00 prudent reserve) $455.82
Intergroup Report: (for full details, full report can be found on lincaa.org )
DCM Report: Bob M. Visited more groups in District 3 and had successful contact with 3 new GSR’s
Old Business:
Continue to talk to groups that District 3 is still seeking people to serve as Alternate DCM & Alternate Intergroup Rep.
Corrections Power Point to be voted on. District 3 elected to table the voting of this item until September District 3 Meeting.
New Business:
New District 3 Secretary email is district3sec@gmail.com Bob M. is seeking input from the District 3 groups regarding holding some kind of workshop. Suggestion of possibly doing a play about traditions or sponsorship. All ideas are welcome.
Group Reports:
How It Works Group Seth H. – (Sunday – Saturday 10:00PM – Lincoln)
Attendance is good. The Saturday meeting is consistent. This is a 7 day a week meeting. The group will be making disbursements shorty. The group is always reviewing and addressing all safety concerns.
Early Birds Group Rod M. – (Monday – Friday 8:15AM – Lincoln)
The meeting is going good. There was some discussion about the concern of what is a good AA meeting and if it would be a meeting that is solution focused.
Sunday Noonish Group Debbie C. – (Sunday 12:15PM – Lincoln)
The group is looking at potential changes with the group. The service positions have become less consistent. The attendance has been also less consistent. There has been some discussion of potentially moving the meeting to another location or closing the meeting all together.
60 Minutes Group Candy L. – (Sunday 10:15AM – Lincoln)
The group has elected a new GSR who is learning what this role is all about. The group is currently evaluating their current budget.
Lincoln Foxhall Group Sheila H. – (Monday 7:30 PM – Lincoln)
The group is steady and growing.
Closed at 7:53 pm with the serenity prayer.
Next Meeting will be held September 4, 2012 at 28th and “S” streets 2nd floor at 7:00 pm.