District 22 – August 2012
Date: 8/15/12
- Moment of silence/ Serenity prayer.
- Special announcements: Tim P. new GSR; Everyone’s Step.
*Check with registrar to see if the group is registered.
*Also get Tim his GSR tool kit. - Traditions read by: Kyrsten E.
- Members in attendance: Ron R., Kyrsten E, Tim P., Mike E., Seth H., Kyra
- DCM/ALT DCM reports: Nothing to report
- Treasurers report: No Treasurer
- Intergroup: July 27, Bal. $1185.74 Cent. Off. Needs Alt Board
Member Contact; Gary, Craig, Ron P Corrections seeking Spanish
speaking meeting . Hotline: 64 mtg info 20 12 step 47 unanswered. Spec
Events $379 Need chair and Treasurer, Xmas party Dec 1st, location
N/A. New Biz; Deposits dried up. Stag voted to send money again. - Secretary minutes: Approved
Motioned/Seconded for approval - Old Business: N/A
- New Business: Agenda Item 2012-1-21 Passed
- Group Reports:
a. 164: Not Present
b. Big Book Bunch: Kyra- Attend up and down. Ave. 10
c. Stag: Ron R- Attend ave 30
d. Sunday Night Wkshp: Kyrsten E. Ave. 40-70. Overall things good,
positions possible changes.
e. Wild Bunch: Not present
f. Rainbow Group: Not present
g. LBB Study: Not Present
h. Everyone’s Step: 5-8 lots of sobriety. Used to be big meeting,
now has fizzled out.