Central Service Office – August 2012
Lincoln Central Service Office Board of Director’s Meeting
August 16, 2012
Open With Traditions: Neil
Attendance: Gary, Klara, DR, Jim, Marcella, Gayle, Neil, Craig, Ron, Dru & Eric
Treasurer’s Report: Eric
Income: $5,946.76
Expenses: $6,284.32
Loss: ($337.56)
President’s Report: Nothing to Report
Intergroup Report: Ron
Bulletin of activities won’t be on web page anymore; only meeting changes
Christmas party on 12/1/12
Office Manager’s Report: Marcella
Total office calls in July: __171____12 step:__4__
Bulletin needs AA taken off. Should be Lincoln Central Office Bulletin
Old Business:
Need 1 alternate board member.
Still discussing attending other meetings to discuss Central Office and it’s role in the community
Jim will bring up lack of a Bridging the Gap Committee and discuss creating one at Intergroup
Ernie was to check on post office pick up of packages for Marcella.
Jim K. will check with the meeting place about putting flyers for upcoming events on-line
New Business:
Marcella checked changes to meetings online but found several things had not been changed. Jim K will check with Ron regarding these updates
Taped old-timers DVD’s will sell at central office
Saturday Morning Women’s meeting key can be kept in the central office
Next Board Meeting: September 20, 2012