District 29 – October 2012

October 9, 2012

Opened at 6:32pm.

Traditions were read by: Jason E.

3 Officers Were Present
DCM – Albert S.
Treasurer – Luke F.
Secretary – Sheila H.

2 Groups were Present
Friday Night Eagle Group
Life Preserver Group

Secretary’s Report: Sheila H. September 11, 2012 Minutes were read and approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Luke F.
Balance $396.81 as of 10/9/2012.
(Expected: DCM Expenses to Area 41 by next Month)
4th Quarter rent for District 29 Meetings $10.50

Intergroup Report:  (for full details, full report can be found on lincaa.org )

DCM Report: Albert S.
Nothing to report

Old Business:

District 29 is still seeking people to serve as Alternate DCM and Alternate Intergroup Liaison.

New Business:

There will be Elections of the nominee for Trustee-at-Large in November at the Area 41 Meeting Saturday night.

District Vote for November Area 41 Voting Items

AGENDA ITEM 2012-03-10 004 Finance
Area 41 would reimburse two nights hotel stay for Area 41 officers and committee chairs who live more than 300 miles from the meeting site.

Original Background: Past discussions of the Area 41 Financial Guidelines and fiscal policies have always stressed that personal finances should not be allowed to keep someone from serving on the Area 41 Committee. In keeping with Tradition Seven, Area 41 provides reimbursement for mileage expense to and from the meeting and hotel expense during the meeting. Concept Nine states that “Good service leadership at all levels is indispensable for our future functioning and safety.”

For someone living a long distance from the site of the Area 41 Meeting, a choice between personal finances and good service leadership is often necessary. It is difficult to be a good, effective service leader when one must drive four to six hours before the start of a 9:00 AM meeting because one cannot afford the hotel cost for the extra night.

Additional Background: The Area 41 Finance Committee voted to re-word the original item by removing the phrase “service positions.”  The sense was the “service positions: included some non-funded positions and this item was not intended to include those not funded by Area 41 for lodging.  The committee unanimously recommends this item after considering where Area 41 meetings are usually held and where a larger percentage of our trusted servants reside.  For example, when Area 41 meetings are in North Platte, trusted servants from Lincoln and Omaha live within 300 miles so would not be included in the extra night. Impact to the 2013 budget would not occur, as all current Area 41 officers and committee chairs live within 300 miles of North Platte.
There was Discussion then a vote: The item Passed at District 29 (Group results) For = 3; Against = 0

AGENDA ITEM 2012-03-10 004 Finance

Area 41 would reimburse mileage to officers and committee chairs at 40% of the federal rate, rounded up to the nearest nickel for ease of calculation.

Original Background: This is not an attempt to raise the mileage rate that was just set last year.  It is an attempt to set it so the Area, in theory doesn’t have to re-visit this issue again.  The previous Finance Committee recommended the 40% rate, but it was only submitted as background, and was not presented as an item on the agenda.

Additional Background: The original agenda item stated “Area 41 reimburse mileage to officers and committee chairs at 40% of the federal rate.”  Finance committee referenced background material for agenda item 2011-1-22 #004, which was passed by area 41 in September of 2011 by a vote of 35-0.  A repeat of the background information is:  The Finance Committee is recommending an increase in Area 41 mileage reimbursement due to increased fuel costs.  The last revision to the Area 41 mileage rate was in 1998, when gas was $1.03/gallon.  The average cost for Nebraska fuel in 2010, however, was $2.71 (IRS fuel ratings website).  In 1998 the Federal standard mileage reimbursement rate was $0.33. Hence the $0.15 rate was 46% of the Federal rate.  In 2010 the Federal rate was $0.50. Hence, the $0.15 Area 41 rate had dropped to 30% of the Federal rate.  The Area 41 Finance Committee recommends and is proposing the $0.20 reimbursement rate, which is 40% of the Federal rate.  The Finance Committee recommends that future Area 41 reimbursement rates maintain this 40% rate mark.  The current Area 41 Finance Committee recommends that the 40% of the Federal rate should be maintained so that the mileage rate might go up or down, but does not have to be discussed and voted upon every time.  The majority vote of the committee was that the rate should be rounded up to the nearest nickel for ease of calculation.
There was Discussion then a vote: The item Failed at District 29 (Group results) For = 1; Against = 2

AGENDA ITEM 2012-03-10 006 Finance
Approve the Area 41 2013 budget as published in the November 2012 NEBRASKANEWS.
Background:  See the proposed 2013 budget
There was Discussion then a vote: The item Passed at District 29 (Group results) For = 3; Against = 0

Group Reports:

Friday Night Eagle: – Eric H.
The meeting is doing well.  The first Friday of every month is a speaker meeting.  There was one other group that attended the speaker meeting.  Everything is running just about the same.

Life Preserver Group: – Jason E.
The group is going well.  We will be having our 6 year anniversary on October 19th.  There will be a regular meeting with a pot-luck ~ Dinner and a meeting.  The meeting starts at 7:00pm.

Closed at 7:06pm with the serenity prayer.

Next Meeting will be held November 13, 2012 at 28th and “S” streets 2nd floor Room 2A @ 6:30 pm.