District 22 – December 2012
Date: 12/19/12
1. Moment of silence/ Serenity prayer.
2. Special announcements:
3. Traditions read by: Mike E.
4. Members in attendance: Ron R., Mike E., Seth H., Jessi H
5. DCM/ALT DCM reports: Jessi H had a birthday. District 22 is sponsoring 2:00am mtg at alcathon.
6. Treasurers report:N/A
7. Intergroup: Jessi H; lincaa.org
8. Secretary minutes: Jessi H.
Motioned/Seconded for approval
9. Old Business: Locations for workshops discussed. Talked about church location, discussed with pastor. He was new and excited about getting more involved with the community, seemed very open to having it there. Speakers talked about; Dirk R. and Lori G. Ideas; service, social media, sponsorship. On Saturday; 11:30 socialize and food. Possibly lasagna or pasta. Maybe newcomers speak about experience. One speaker 20 min., ten minute break, Second speaker 20 min., ten minute break. Then newcomers possibly?
10. New Business: Voting Item 2012-03-10-012 Agenda Think it’s good for opening communication Passes 1-0
Voting Item 2012-03-10-011 Finance Passes 1-0
11. Group Reports:
a. 164:n/a
b. Big Book Bunch:n/a
c. Stag: Good, good
d. Sunday Night Wkshp:n/a
e. Wild Bunch:n/a
f. Rainbow Group:n/a
g. LBB Study:n/a
January 16, 2013; Next meeting.