District 21 – December 2012
istrict 21 Business Meeting Minutes December 16, 2012
Traditions read by: Miranda
Officer Reports
Secretary’s Report (Michael F.): minutes approved
Treasurer’s Report (Jon R.): Not present.
***Treasurer Report Not Attached This Month***
Intergroup Liaison Report (Tom B.):
(for full details, full report can be found on lincaa.org)
DCM report (Jennifer R.):
I was able to attend the AA Holiday Bash sponsored by Lincoln Intergroup and was able to enjoy the fellowship as well as gather more information from people like Lori G (Past Area 41 Delegate) and Bill O (Area 41 Alt Delegate) regarding their experience and knowledge of the AA Service Structure to hope to get a better understanding regarding the current voting items. I was also forced to get into the AA Service Manual and do some studying as well.
I also did some consulting with our Dist 21 Treasurer, Jon R regarding our financial situation and hope to have a resolution about where we are going to meet for Dist 21 meetings in 2013 and how much we can afford to donate for rent and still be able to be of maximum service to our District in the New Year!
I wish you all a safe and sober holiday season!
Yours in Service, Jennifer R
GSR Reports:
1 Pocket of Enthusiasm (Jenni H.): They will be starting a meeting at LCF, as of now they are still looking for volunteers. Volunteers need pass a screening and fill out the application. People in other meetings are encouraged to volunteer if interested. Can contact Sherry Cotter, Lancaster County Jail at 402-441-8908. Can contact Jenni for more information.
2. Sufficient Substitute (Becky N.): Soup supper was a success. New program chair elected for 2013 Joyce.
3. Women’s Circle of Friends (Vickie P): Not present
4. Young People’s (Miranda R.): Things are going well- they are having an outside interest using their meeting as a venue to promote that interest. They are monitoring this very closely and will take steps if necessary to defend our traditions.
5. Cafeteria Group (Tom B.): Things are going well, 60-70 in attendance.
6. Spiritual Actions (Brian C.): Groovy.
7. Seeking Solutions (Nancy S as given by Jon.): Things are going well. Still planning the anniversary. They have open positions for Secretary, Intergroup, and a new position for the grapevine representative has been created.
8. Steps we Take( Michael F): Nice.
District 21 Business
Old Business:
1).Workshop for 1st quarter in 2013 for either April 14th or April 7th.
***Tabled to Jan ‘13 Mtg***
2) The District voted (in Nov 2012 meeting) to move our Dist. 21 business meeting to Bryan Health West (formerly Bryan LGH) starting on January 20th 2013.
Discussion regarding Rent:
Tom received feedback from BryanLGH and they further defined that they did not charge a rental fee for “health related” groups using the building. This is determined on a case by case basis by the facility. Discussion moved on to how has our rent been established currently. This meeting previously had a contract with the Church in which we currently have our meeting and it did not specify rent either. Other feedback was that the current $10.00was sufficient, as was another group present. The District believes we are following the 7th Tradition and continuing to be self-supportive through our own contributions.
It has been determined that the motion passed last month to move this meeting to BryanLGH is in effect, and it was not necessary to make a motion to keep anything the same (as we did in error last month regarding $10 amount for rent) so no other voting was needed.
3.) 2 Area 41Voting Items for January 2013 Area 41 Assembly:
*****See Area 41 Newsletter for full description of voting items******
Voting item 2012-3-10-012.
vote : Against
Voting item 2012-3-10-011 finance.
voting : For