District 3 – January 2013

January 1, 2013

Opened at 7:04 p.m.

Traditions were read by: Diane H.
3 Officers Were Present
DCM – Bob M.
Intergroup – Mark S.
Secretary –  Sheila H.

2   Meetings were Present
Sheila H.  Lincoln Foxhall Group
Diane H.  60 Minutes
Secretary’s Report: Sheila H.  District 3 Meeting Minutes from December 4, 2012 were approved as read.
Treasurer’s Report: Darrell W. Balance Forward ~ $472.82

Intergroup Report: Mark S.
Mark discussed intergroup budget; Corrections Committee needs people to take meetings male and female, and the intergroup flyer.  (For full details, full report can be found on lincaa.org )

DCM Report: Bob M.
Bob has been attending several meetings in district three and is attempting to obtain contact information for all of the groups.  Bob wants the groups to know that the contact does not necessarily need to be a GSR, any group member.  This will assist in keeping the groups informed.

Old Business:
Moving forward with holding the 4 Corners Workshop the 4th quarter of 2013.   Should begin working on the details of when and where to hold the workshop.

Area 41 will be doing the group inventory, Questions
Discussion: Groups are compiling responses to the Area 41 Inventory questions and will present them at the Area 41 meeting the weekend of November 10th.

New Business:
Discussion and votes for Agenda Items for a vote at the January 12th – 13th  2013 Area 41 meeting:

VOTE: AGENDA ITEM 2012-03-10-012 Agenda
Area 41 shall invite the West Central Regional Trustee to participate in an Area 41 Meeting weekend once in each delegate panel rotation.  It is suggested that the invitation be extended for the last Area 41 Meeting weekend of each rotation which include the full Area 41 Election Assembly. Details of the visit will be finalized by the Area 41 Agenda Committee and the Area 41 Delegate at least one year before the visit. Funding for the estimated expenses of the Trustee’s visit shall be included in the Area 41 Chairperson’s budget.

District Vote: Item Failed (Results For = 0; Against = 2)

VOTE: AGENDA ITEM 2012-03-10 011 Finance
Area 41 increase the Conference delegate contribution from $1500 to $2000.

District Vote: Item Passed (Results For = 2; Against = 0)

Group Reports:

60 Minutes Group: Diane H. – (Sunday 10:15AM – Lincoln)
The group is going well even though attendance is slightly down.  60 minutes now has a new intergroup representative.

Lincoln Foxhall Group: Sheila H. – (Monday 7:30 PM – Lincoln)
The group continues to go well with an average attendance of 50 people.  All of the annual service positions have been filled and everyone is very excited to start with the New Year.

The meeting closed at 7:46 p.m. with the serenity prayer.

Next Meeting will be held February 5, 2013 at 28th and “S” streets 2nd floor at 7:00 pm.