District 3 – February 2013
February 5, 2013
Opened at 7:05 p.m.
Traditions were read by: Diane H.
4 Officers Were Present
DCM – Bob M.
Intergroup – Mark S.
Secretary – Sheila H.
Treasurer – Darrel W.
5 Meetings were Present
Rhonda W. & Kate P. Early Birds Too Group
Ryan T. How It Works Group
Sheila H. Lincoln Foxhall Group
Diane H. 60 Minutes
Dave D. Matt Talbot Meeting
Secretary’s Report: Sheila H.
The January 1, 2012 District 3 Meeting Minutes were approved as Read.
Treasurer’s Report: Darrell W. Balance Forward ~ $567.82 (includes Prudent Reserve of $100.00)
Beginning Balance: $532.82
Contributions: $95.00
Expenditures: $60.00 for 6 months Rent (Paid through June of 2013)
Net Gain/Loss $35.00
Intergroup Report: Mark S. (For full details, full report can be found on lincaa.org )
DCM Report: Bob M.
Correspondence with the Workshop Committee Chair from Area 41 shows that the 4 Corners Workshop that we have been discussing is scheduled for the 3rd Quarter of 2013. We originally had agreed to the 4th quarter but there was some confusion and another district has already taken the 4th quarter.
Old Business:
Area Voting Items
New Business:
4 Corners Workshop that District 3 will be having will be in the 3rd quarter of 2013 which is July, August and September. Groups are asked for input on Ideas, potential dates to have the workshop and suggestions for a location.
Area 41 Assembly in January:
New Website Chair person was elected; the new Chairperson is now Margie N.
AGENDA ITEM 2012 -03-10 #012 Agenda
This item was amended to read:
Area 41 shall invite the West Central Regional Trustee to participate in an Area 41 Meeting weekend once in each delegate panel rotation. Details of the visit will be finalized by the Area 41 Agenda committee and the Area 41 Delegate at least one year before the visit. Funding for the estimated expenses of the Trustee’s visit shall be included in the Area 41 Chairperson’s budget.
Vote to approve this voting item as amended passed 36 For – 2 Against with no minority voice given.
AGENDA ITEM: 2012-03-10 #011 Finance
Area 41 increase the Conference delegate contribution from $1500 to $2000
Background: The original background reads:
Vote to approve this voting item passed 36 For – 1 Against with no minority voice given.
Area 41 Assembly Voting Items for the March Assembly:
VOTE: AGENDA ITEM 2013-01-12 001 Agenda
Select the District(s) to host the 2014 Area 41 Reunion.
Background: Any district(s) in Area 41 may bid to host the Area 41 Reunion typically held at the same facility as the Area 41 Meetings. The reunion is traditionally held during June.
Area 41 select the location for the 2015-2016 Area 41 Meeting Weekends and Reunions.
Background: Please review the locations, costs and amenities listed below. Please note that there are no dates listed since the hotels cannot guarantee that dates will still be available at the time of our selection in March. The dates will be announced prior to the vote.
Sandhills Convention Center North Platte NE
Room Rate for both years 2015 – 2016
$68.99 (for single/double/triple/quad occupancy plus applicable taxes) $98.99 for Suite
All meeting room space per event (weekend) fees waived – Two Complimentary Two Room Suites per night – Complimentary Hospitality Suite – Coffee Free – Free Hot Breakfast
New World Inn & Conference Center Columbus Ne
Room Rate for both years 2015 – 2016
$68.00 (for single/double/triple/quad occupancy plus applicable taxes)
All meeting room space per event (weekend) fees waived – Hospitality Rooms off the Courtyard Coffee at approx. $18.75/gal including tax and gratuity
Ramada Inn Kearney Ne
Room Rate for both years 2015 – 2016
(for single/double/triple/quad occupancy plus applicable taxes)
January – $69.95 : March – $79.95 : June – $99.95 : July – $99.95 : October – $69.95
All meeting room space per event (weekend) fees waived – Free Hot Breakfast
Howard Johnson Grand Island NE
Room Rate for both years 2015 – 2016
$86.00 (for single/double/triple/quad occupancy plus applicable taxes)
All meeting room space per event (weekend) $650 – Complimentary 2 room Hospitality Suite
Denny’s Meal Voucher daily for Overnight Guests – Chef’s choice dessert with one Banquet Meal
Midtown Holiday Inn Grand Island NE
Room Rate for both years 2015 – 2016
$89.00 Room / $159.00 Suite (for single/double/triple/quad occupancy plus applicable taxes)
All audio/visual equipment at no charge – All meeting room space per event (weekend) fees waived – Complimentary sleeping room for every 40 rooms actualized – 1st five gallons of coffee free (approx $23/gal including tax and gratuity)
VOTE: AGENDA ITEM 2013-01-12 003 Agenda
Amend the Area 41 Reunion Guidelines to add the following line to the end of the “Speakers” section: 5 It is suggested that two hours be scheduled for the Area 41 Delegate’s Report from the General Service Conference, preferably on Saturday afternoon.
Background: The Area 41 Delegate’s Report is still supposed to be the primary focus of the Area 41 Reunion. For this reason, adequate time for a full report with questions and answers is needed. The Area 41 Reunion Committee needs the flexibility to schedule events so Saturday afternoon is preferred but not suggested.
VOTE: AGENDA ITEM 2013-01-12 004 Archives
Provide funding in the Area 41 Archives Committee budget for 2013 to allow the Area 41 Archivist to attend the National Archives Workshop in Springfield, IL September 12 – 15, 2013.
Background: Current budget provides funds for the Archives Committee Chairperson or the Area 41 Archivist to attend the National Archives Workshop every two years. The Archives Committee feels that it would greatly benefit the new Archivist with knowledge and skills for his service responsibilities to Area 41. This would be a one-time change to the Area 41 budget.
VOTE: AGENDA ITEM: 2012-01-21 #001a
Area 41 shall approve the following as the method of handling a possible appeal of an Area 41 Standing Committee decision to “Take no action” on an agenda item.
Non-Emergency Items
1) Non-emergency floor actions are requests to consider agenda items that were resolved in committee by “Take no action”.
2) ONLY an originator of the agenda item can request a nonemergency floor action.
3) The Area 41 Chairperson will ask if there is a motion to permit the floor action. If a motion is made, seconded, and approved, the floor action will be placed on the voting agenda for the next Area 41 Business Meeting and the documentation from the standing committee will be published in the Area 41 newsletter.
Background: The ad-hoc committee that wrote the proposed Area 41 Service Handbook included this section because floor actions are permitted at the General Service Conference. This Report and Charter Committee decided that, since there is no tradition of an Area 41 “right of appeal” of an Area 41 Standing Committee decision, this section must be discussed and approved by Area 41 before it can remain in the proposed Area 41 Service Handbook. If approved, this will remain in the proposed Area 41 Service Handbook as Section VII.B.3.b.; if not, it will be removed.
VOTE: AGENDA ITEM: 2012-01-21 #001b
Approve the proposed Area 41 Service Handbook.
Background: The proposed Area 41 Service Handbook has been in committee for over two years. It has been posted on the Area 41 Website for over one year. It was discussed at an Area 41 Workshop. All questions, comments, and concerns received by the Report and Charter Committee have been addressed. It is time to approve or reject.
New Agenda Items Sent to Committee for Discussion
AGENDA ITEM 2013-01-12 005 Agenda
Begin selection process of selecting host site for 2015 West Central Regional Alcoholics Anonymous Service Conference within Area 41.
Background: West Central Regional Alcoholics Anonymous Service Conference is hosted rotationally by one of Region’s 8 Areas. Area 41’s service opportunity to host the Conference is in the year 2015. Kit J
AGENDA ITEM 2013-01-12 006 Literature
Area 41 recommend that AAWS set the price of the book Alcoholics Anonymous to AAWS’s cost for a period of time to be determined by AAWS.
Background. This poses the question to the Fellowship: Does the Fellowship wish to support GSO by the 7th Tradition or by combination of sales and 7th Tradition. Charles A.
AGENDA ITEM 2013-01-12 007 Report and Charter
Should Area 41 establish guidelines for work that is being done in Committees that may need approval by the Area 41 body, and if so, how?
Background: Often Areas develop their own literature or service tools for use in their Area. Some recent examples within our own Area would be our GSR Orientation Packet, Corrections Power Point, and the CPC Working With Professionals pamphlet/envelopes. At times these projects involve the website and a certain amount of financial investment. Even though a Committee may try their best to come up with items that meet all of A.A. criteria, it seems that when others from outside of the Committee look at it, they see adjustments that need to be made. Some of these are self‑adjusting such as limitations put on to the amount of moneys that can be spent and a webmaster who edits what goes onto the website. Printed literature and other such tangibles, however, have no other built‑in check. Although good sponsorship is probably the best way to handle this, our sponsors are not always available while a vote is being taken in a Committee. There are things that we can and should do at the Area level which do not need to be conference approved that can help the still suffering alcoholic right in our own Area. I have seen some items produced by other Areas that are not conference approved and would like some way to check items that are developed within a Committee before they are used within the Area. One way might be to send these items to i.e. Report and Charter, Finance, Website or Literature to further check the facts etc. Perhaps this would be a way to find a balance between Concept 3/Right of Decision an accountability to the Area. Bernice S.
Group Reports:
How It Works Group Ryan T, – (Sunday – Saturday 10:00PM – Lincoln)
The group business meeting is the last Wednesday of every month. The meetings are going good. They are working on getting up to their prudent reserve at this point.
Early Birds Group Rhonda W. – (Monday – Friday 8:15AM – Lincoln)
The Group has been pretty busy with filling their service positions, which are now filled. The group is coming back together pretty strong.
60 Minutes Group Diane H. – (Sunday 10:15AM – Lincoln)
They have just worked through making their contributions. The group is working on the second (2nd) annual Old Timers festivities which will be happening August 10th of 2013. They are looking for members who have at least 20 years of sobriety, so if you have someone you would like to nominate, let the group know, and the names will go into a basket and they will draw names to determine the speakers for the event.
Lincoln Foxhall Group Sheila H. – (Monday 7:30 PM – Lincoln)
The meeting continues to go good; it is a weekly speaker meeting with amazing speakers with good sobriety every time. The group averages 50 people every week and always welcomes newcomers and visitors.
Matt Talbot Group Dave D. – (Tuesday 5:00 PM – Lincoln)
The meeting averages 6-7 people every week. This is a good meeting to attend and we have finally elected officers into the new service positions.
Closed at 7:56 p.m. with the serenity prayer.
Next Meeting will be held March 5, 2013 at 28th and “S” streets 2nd floor at 7:00 pm.