District 22 – February 2013
Date: February 20th, 2013
1. Traditions read by: Jessi H., Kjrestin E., John S.
2. Members in attendance: Jessi H., Emily S., Luke H., Ron R.,
John S., Mike E., Mike E., Kelli J. Kjrestin E.
3. DCM/ALT DCM reports: No report
4. Treasurers report: Ron stepping down as treasurer Bal: $791.89
6. Intergroup: John S. (Website)
7. Secretary minutes: Seth H
Motioned/Seconded for approval: Yes
8. Old Business: Possible raffle on AA literature. Was put on flier, so we better do it. (For Workshop) Possibly get literature from groups? Purchase literature? Both? Bringing back to groups to ask.
Could be last minute purchase if necessary. Grapevine books suggested.
9. New Business:
Six agenda Items. Haven’t had a chance to bring back to groups so we will bring them back to groups to vote prior to area.
1. Area 41 bids to host Reunion.
2. Location selection for 2015-2016 Area 41
3. Reunion guidelines adding ‘speakers’ to section 5
4. Area 41 sending archivist to the archivist convention in Springfield, IL
5. Take no action/non-emergency
6. Handbook approval.
Bringing those votes to area from group conscience, will meet in a room and discuss it if necessary. Regular District meeting will be before the workshop. Discussed meeting day and time and if that was working for everyone.
10. Group Reports:
164: Good, attendance is good, soon to talk about our anniversary
Big Book Bunch:
Stag: Good, they’re there
Sunday Night Wkshp: Good, need a secretary, pretty broke, attendance is good, just no money. Decided to not make contribution’s temporarily
Wild Bunch: Things are good, lots of members
Rainbow Group:
LBB Study: We’re good