District 21 – February 2013
District 21 Business Meeting Minutes February 17, 2012
Traditions read by: Jenni H
Officer Reports
Secretary’s Report (Michael F.):
Treasurer’s Report (Jon R.):
**Moving forward, Treasurer will start the monthly Treasurer Report with our bank balance as of the statement date (4th of each month), plus any undeposited checks and checks not yet cleared.
February 2013 – District 21 Financial Report
Balance from West Gate: $602.39 – February 4, 2013
Other Assets:
Undeposited checks from:
Seeking Solutions: $123.60,
Sufficient Substitute: $45
February Expenses: Rent $10
Balance before February expenses: $770.99
DCM Meeting Expenses: $3.28
February Balance: $ 767.71 (less prudent reserve – $150 = $617.71 available)
** The above report was completed prior to Jon receiving Sufficient Substitute’s contribution of $27 which Keith presented at the meeting.
Intergroup Liaison Report (open position.):
(for full details, full report can be found on lincaa.org)
DCM report (Jennifer R.):
After our last meeting in January, the I GSRs went back to their groups to ask if they would be interested in joining Dist 22 for a workshop. From the GSRs in which I received feedback from, the majority of the groups chose not to join efforts in their already established workshop. I advised Mike and Jessi that we would support their efforts by announcing the workshop to our groups and encouraging attendance.
I also was able to attend Seeking Solutions Anniversary breakfast on Saturday, February 16th, and they had an awesome turnout! Nancy passed on the Group History for Seeking Solutions which i will be givingp to Big Al at Area 41 Archives.
Yours in Service, Jennifer R
GSR Reports:
1 Pocket of Enthusiasm (Jenni H.): Meeting is going well, we have not gotten anything out to LCF yet, but still in the works. They need more volunteers.
2. Sufficient Substitute (Keith K.): Attendance numbers are steady, and meeting is getting a few more people to come in from Gage county/Beatrice area.
3. Women’s Circle of Friends (Vickie P): Not present
4. Young People’s (Miranda R.) Nothing new really, still good attendance. They have ironed out some issues so things are well.
5. Spiritual Actions (Brian C.): things are good
6. Seeking Solutions (Nancy S .): Things are good, she doesn’t have attendance from the anniversary approx 105 to 110 in attendance. A good time was had by all.
7. Steps we Take( Michael F): We have had some new people who have picked that meeting up as a new regular.
District 21 Business
Old Business:
New Agenda Items going to vote for March Assembly-
***Please Refer to Area 41 Newsletter for full description and background ***
AGENDA ITEM 2013-01-12 001 Agenda – Select District to host the 2014 Area 41 Reunion
Dist 21 does not have any interest in submitting a bid at this time.
AGENDA ITEM 2013-01-12 002 Agenda -Locations for 2015-2016 location
Sandhills – 3
Columbus -0
Kearney – 1
Howard Johnson GI – 0
Midtown Holiday Inn GI – 1
AGENDA ITEM 2013-01-12 003 Agenda – Add to Area 41 Reunion Guidelines When and how
much time should be allowed for Delegate’s Report
6 for
0 against
AGENDA ITEM 2013-01-12 004 Archives -Provide funding in the Area 41 Archives Committee budget for 2013 to allow the Area 41 Archivist to attend the National Archives Workshop in Springfield, IL Sept 12-15, 2013
Sufficient Substitutes felt there was not sufficient informational available about budget to vote on this.
Young people questioned why the request to send the Archivist now- mentioned Archivist is new this year
Steps we Take asked for clarification regarding who is going and is this a move of budget from one year
to the next, or in addition. It was our understanding it is an addition to the budget.
3 for
4 against
AGENDA ITEM 2012-01-21 #001a – method of handling a possible appeal of an Area 41 Standing Committee decision to “ No Action Taken” on an agenda item.
Discussion: This format is used by GSO for someone to submit to the body of Area 41 an item that
was settled in committee as “take no action” This item includes language that “ONLY” the originator can
make this floor action.
Sufficient Substitutes felt that this action limited the right of making a floor action to one person where
he GSC does not restrict floor actions to only the originator. The “right of appeal” should be able to be
used by all members not just the originator.
Young Peoples felt that by restricting this to the originator brought this back down to a “personal” level,
instead of the group conscience.
There was also concern that items could be brought back over and over again.
3 for
4 against
AGENDA ITEM 2002 -01-21 #001b – Approve the proposed Area 41 Service Handbook
Sufficient Substitute had concerns that some of the items in the handbook may not have been approved by the groups, such as allowing someone to stand for a position who is not present.
Pockets felt that as this has been out on the website for over a year to look at if there are major concerns that they should have been brought up.
4 for
1 against
2). Spring Workshop – Sufficient Substitute would like want a spring workshop on Traditions as there would be sufficient funds.
Group conscience voted against a workshop for spring
3) Possibility of Groups or Dist 21 Hosting a Hospitality for this year’s reunion held May 31 – June 2nd:
GSRs are going to be going back to their groups to see if members would be available to support, man, stock, provide scholarships etc to the reunion. Discussion was held as far as financially,would the District be able to afford to host a hospitality room and Jon R mentioned we had budgeted $150 for the workshop that didn’t go through for Spring. We should be able to afford $200-$250.
4) Any interest for the Alternated DCM or Intergroup Rep position?
Brian C stood for the Intergroup rep. and was voted in.
New Business: