Intergroup – March 2011

Lincoln Intergroup
PO Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506

Chairman: Kirk
Vice Chairman: Bob B.
Secretary: Brian D.
Treasurer: Dick S.

Began the meeting @ 6:35
The AA Traditions were read by: Emily

Roll was taken:
Officers present: 3
Committees present: 3
Group chair members present: 5
District present: 2

Minutes approved for February 2011

District reports:

Bernice (03) – No Report

Ron R. (22) – No report

Amy W. (21) – $444.37 balance, co-chaired at the Spring Fling, they have a new secretary, still looking for an alternate DCM. Discussed voting items of last area meeting. Planning a Unity picnic this year more details to come.

Albert S. (29) – $244.18 balance, discussed area voting items.

Treasurers Report:
Balance forward: $3498.19
Contribution: $104.90
Expenses: None
Ending working Balance: $ 3603.09
Prudent res: $200.00

Thanks to the groups that contributed.
Mail checks to:
Lincoln Intergroup
P.O. Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506
Respectfully your servant, Dick S., Treasurer

Committee Reports:

Central Office Committee: Jim C. – Total income of $4931.99 with $6620.09 expenses with a net loss of $1688.10. Marcella reported that there were a total of 168 calls in January. 4 were 12 step calls.
Total inventory effective Jan. 15th 2011, $32,902.57.
This is $3871.58 more than 2010. This year we had $2606.36 more AA literature and $1296.44 more in medallions. Central Office has the new laptop up and running now.

Lincoln AA Corrections Committee: Ron R. – No report

Hotline committee: getting things going still working on getting sign-up sheets out to meetings, the central office is going to help to get the word out the people looking for sign-up sheets that they can find those down at central office. We need more people able to help out with this, it is vital that the sign-up sheets are getting filled up. There are still suffering alcoholics not getting our hand according the calls that weren’t answered.
83 calls total.
51 no answer
1 very rude caller
8 general
23 answered.

PI/CPC Committee: – trying to get up and running again. Need people willing to participate in keeping the public informed on where AA can be found.

Treatment Committee: Cody S. – No report

Website Committee: Ron E. – Stats
January 2011 – 1518 visits, 4118 page views, 2.71 pages/ visit
February 2011 – 1322 visits, 3536 page views, 2.67 pages/visit

Special Events Committee: Matt C. – $975 balance.  Next meeting is Sunday April 17th, 2011. Hi-way dinner. 4th of July picnic speaker will be Kerrigan Z.

Old Business: None

New Business: Kirk M. suggest from groups on what intergroup could use their funds for.

For more info on all committee reports visit

Meeting closed at 7 PM, and we all gathered for the Serenity Prayer

The next meeting is April 29th  @ 6:30 @ Willard Community Center-1245 S. Folsom St.
Pleased to be at your service: Brian D