District 22 – March 2013
District 22 March meeting Date: 3/20/13
1. Moment of silence/ Serenity prayer.
2. Special announcements: Wild Bunch anniversary 4/16/13.Paige H. speaking, starts as 7 (chicken).
3. Traditions read by: John S.
4. Members in attendance: Jessi H. ,Seth H. Emily S., Luke H., Ron R.,
Kyra, John S. Mike E., Kjrestin E.
5. DCM/ALT DCM reports: Area report: North Platte, Attended Grapevine; Grapevine pushing to put stuff on apps i.e. apple, android, etc. , talking about doing bi-monthly grapevine hardcopies, still working towards phasing out of hardcopies all together.
Six agenda items, 40 voters.
- Area reunion location: District 22 was selected, won by default.
- Location for 2014-2015 Area 41: Mid-town Holiday Inn in Grand Island was selected.
- Amend Area Guideline; Add two hours for Delegates report at reunion: Passed 29-3.
- Provide funding for archivist to attend archives committee: Called to question immediate vote: Passed 33-1.
- Area 41 to enforce ‘right of appeal’: Passed 32-3.
- Approval of Area 41 service handbook (Suggestions of how we could run things, tries to mirror GSO’s design): Passed 33-3.
5. Treasurers report: Bal. $786.72; need to decide how much we would like to donate to the church (upcoming workshop). Two contributions; Lady’s Big Book and Men’s stag. Purchased literature for Dist. 22 workshop ($60) for raffle. $50 to go church where upcoming workshop is going to be held.
6. Intergroup: No meeting in February…..stay tuned.
7. Secretary minutes: Approved
Motioned/Seconded for approval
8. Old Business: Discussed what time we need to be at the church for workshop. Door is locked from outside of church, so we need someone to open that. Need to ask church about smoking options. Possible problems with getting in and out of church. Need to buy coffee. Need to be there at 11 to setup (lunch starts at 12). Mike will get cups, plates, coffee. Should we have lemonade or just water? Ron will get a jug for cold beverages. Mike getting lemonade! Holla! Church attendant will show us where cleaning supplies are. Should we time speakers? Mike will give speakers nod when they’re close, so they wrap up in a timely manner. Talked about who is bringing what. Lasagna providers nearby just in case.
9. New Business: Need signs, John access to paper and tape for directing workshop attendees. Mike wondering if Dist. 22 could fund 2013 reunion. $138 (approx). May 31, June 1, June 2. Motion approved.
Would we like to put out a newsletter as a district? Take it groups first and then possibly intergroup to discuss with DCM’s. Should we charge for raffle tickets? Yes, $1 for 5 tickets.
10. Group Reports:
b. Big Book Bunch: Same, bigger amount of people (9-12 ave.).
c. Stag: Good.
d. Sunday Night Wkshp: Good, not a lot of money currently, brought up evaluating not sending someone to Area because of lack of incoming funds. New secretary. Kjersten talked about how she did a seventh
tradition talked about a month ago.
e. Wild Bunch: Good, money decent, attendance good (60ish), good service.
g. LBB Study: Good, Dawn volunteer to be alt-GSR (wouldn’t be able to go area). New intergroup rep, looking for alt-intergroup rep and official alt-GSR.