Intergroup – April 2013
Meeting Minutes – April 26, 2013
Lincoln Intergroup
PO Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506
Chairman: Bob B.
Vice Chairman: Ron R.
Secretary: Jessi H.
Treasurer: Dick S.
Began the meeting @ 6:30 pm
The AA Traditions were read by: Mark
Officers present: 4
Committees present: 5
Group chair members present: 10
Districts present: 3
Total People Present: 17
Minutes approved for March 2013
District reports:
Mark (03)
– Considering have a seminar in July
– Groups seem to be doing well
– Still need an Alt DCM
Brian C. (21)
– Unity Picnic will be July 14, 2013 (they are continuing to work on it)
John S. (22)
– Had the District 22 workshop – about 50 people!!
– Sending DCM to Area Reunion
– Considering doing a district newsletter
Stacey N. (29) – Not present
Treasurers Report:
Balance forward: $1,118.18
Contribution(s): Monday Night Stag $ 63.64
Seeking Solutions 49.50
$112.94 $1,231.12
PO Box – Annual $ 88.00
Ending Balance $1,143.12
Current Committee Balances
(as of April 26, 2013)
Treatment $ 438.85
Corrections $ 481.41
Hotline Not provided
Website Not Provided
PICPC $ 820.06
Reserve for 2013 Committee Budgets
Treatment $ 1,000.00
Corrections $ 0.00
Hotline $ 15.81
Website $ 100.00
PICPC $ 600.00
Intergroup $18 over budget $ 0.00
$ 1,715.81
**Intergroup’s Balance after these Obligations ($ 572.69)
** This balance indicates where intergroup would stand at the end of the year, if all money requested by committees is disbursed and no more contributions are taken in from AA groups.
Thanks to groups who contributed this month!
Mail checks to:
Lincoln Intergroup
P.O. Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506
Respectfully your servant, Dick S., Treasurer
Committee Reports:
Central Office Committee: (Jim) –
Meeting: March 21, 2013
Income: $9,499.04
Expenses: $5,154.39
Gain: $4,344.65
Old Business:
– Contact info provided for Omaha VA. Jim to check on contact info for old timers group for Marcella.
– Meeting changes sent to webmaster have not been corrected
– Need 1 alt board member
– Still discussing attending other meetings to discuss CO’s roles in the community
– Jim K will check with the meeting pace about putting flyers for upcoming events online
New Business:
– Parking spot will be allotted for Cheryl and Marcella with a sign
– Discussed signage to be used for next year’s Spring Fling (Ex: need a Big Book – Central Office)
– Next month board members will plan out meetings to visit to talk about CO
**They can start reporting current month’s meeting minutes.
Next Meeting: April 18, 2013
Corrections Committee: (Ron R.) –
Meeting: April 2, 2013
Balance: No activity — $481.41
City/County Jail: Joe G. Two new volunteers have turned in applications and are awaiting clearance.
CCCL: Tom E. Men’s in house 12×12 meeting continues to go well. A new volunteer has submitted an application and is awaiting clearance.
D & E: Bill O. Wednesday meeting continues to go well, although there has been a drop in attendance. No report for Monday night meeting.
RTC: Bill O. Saturday night meeting is going well, attendance is strong.
Old Business: None.
New Business: The Committee has received three letters from prison inmates requesting help. One was from an inmate looking for a sponsor. Mike E volunteered to respond to the letter. Other twho were from inmates requesting AA Literature (Big Book and 12×12 for one, Big Book and Daily Reflections for the other). Motion made and passed to meet the requests.
**Next Meeting, Tuesday, May 7 at 6pm – Meeting place (28th & S), room 2A
Hotline committee: (Brian C.)
Calls – 44
Requesting Meeting Info – 34
12 Step Calls – 10
Not answered –16
MEMBERS: Please note, there are numbers and information on the back of the sign-up sheet to further assist the groups and our responsibilities. Suggest to people signing up they save the numbers in their phone so they know it’s the hotline when a call comes through.
PI/CPC Committee: (Jessi H.)
Attendance – 4
Old Business
Drug Court Presentation
Kjerstin revised the format (everyone likes it, will see how it goes in May and talk about other revisions after feedback)
No participants showed up for April Meeting
Luke & Jeff will go in May
Jesse contacted Jessi and is now the contact for that meeting
He requested that I email a day or so prior to remind him
He promised he will have participants there in future
Jeff H purchased:
30 speaking at Non AA mtg pamphlets
100 12 questions pamphlets
New Business
Balance – $820 after literature is purchase
Funds are high, and have $600 requested for disbursement in 2013
Tell intergroup to remove that request from their budget
Recruitment for PICPC
Positions needed:
Intergroup rep
Districts reps (someone from each district in Lincoln to take messages back to all the districts)
Jeff will check when we got PSAs last
Jeff will bring options of PSAs for us to look at next month
Jessi will bring the PI and the CPC workbooks from Area 41 for the committee to go through and establish a Plan of Action for the next 7 months.
Jeff will be taking meeting lists around to places (like he used to). He will bring a report of where next month.
Order literature for Doctors and Clergy packets (suggested by Area 41 CPC committee)
Bernice will send the lists to Jessi and she will check our current inventory
Then we will purchase the remaining pieces needed
Treatment Committee: (Becky R.) –
Talked a lot about Facebook page (was controversial
Decision made: it was take down
Contacting Treatment centers across the city to see what their needs are
Balance $435.85
Website Committee: (Ron E.)
Meeting minutes posted from Intergroup, Districts and Central Office Bulletin.
Special Events Committee:
Not Present
For more info on all committee reports visit
Old Business:
No more discussion on treasury
REMINDER FOR COMMITTEES: Biannual expense reports are to be presented in June (all expenses and disbursements)
New Business:
Homestead Senior Care (54th & LaSalle)
Guy who lives there wants a meeting there (They are falling through the crack)
Ernie S. told him he’ll get something going whether its just him and some guys or what
Suggesting to let Dist 22 handle it or at least know about it.
Get numbers posted there so they could get rides
CPC will look into needs at senior car facilities and will share what they find.
Meeting closed at 7:15 p.m. and we all gathered for the Serenity Prayer.
The next meeting is Friday, May 31, @ 6:30 p.m. @ Willard Community Center-1245 S. Folsom St.
Thank you for allowing me to be of service,
Jessi H.