District 3 – May 2013

May 7, 2013

Opened at 7:02 pm.

Traditions were read by: Sheila H.

3 Officers Were Present
DCM –            Bob M.
Intergroup –  Mark S.
Secretary –    Sheila H.

 3 Groups were Present
Dave D.   Matt Talbot Group
Sheila H.     Lincoln Foxhall Group
Diane H.   60 Minutes Group

Secretary’s Report: Sheila H.   The April 2, 2013 District 3 Meeting Minutes were approved as read.

Treasurer’s Report: Darrell W. Balance Forward ~ $625.89

Contributions: $ 18.00

Intergroup Report: Mark S.

(For full details, full report can be found on lincaa.org )

Balance $1143.12.  Corrections Committee had a written request for literature to inmates directly which was fulfilled.  Hotline had 46 Calls, 12 were 12 Step Calls, 34 were for information.  PICPC amended their budget and submitted that they did not need the $600.00 disbursement for this quarter.  They are going through some changes as a committee and have had a decrease in attendance within the committee.  Treatment Committee also is going through some changes and have a loss in Committee members.  There was a request for a meeting to be taken into a local assisted living/ Nursing home on behalf of a resident.  This request was fulfilled by a volunteer.

DCM Report: Bob M.  The Meeting place Board voted on District 3 holding the 4 corners workshop at The Meeting Place.  They informed us that the dates of July 20th and September 28th are both open for this event.

Old Business:

Please talk to your groups about open service positions that are available in District 3.

Alternate DCM

Alternate Intergroup Rep

New Business:

The GSR’s voted on the date for the 4 Corners Workshop for District 3.  The proposed date will be September 28th 2013 in the afternoon at The Meeting Place (28th and S Streets), with a cost of $100.00 for this location.

Topics have been selected and speakers will be announced at a later date.

Bob M. Will contact Area 41 to request the attendance of Grapevine, Literature and other needed people for the workshop.

Group Reports:

60 Minutes Group Diane H – (Sunday 10:15AM – Lincoln): Not much to report this month. Meeting is going well.

Lincoln Foxhall Group Sheila H. – (Monday 7:30 PM – Lincoln): The meeting is going well. Foxhall celebrated their 3 year anniversary Monday May 6th which went very well.  Attendance has been varying the last few weeks, but continues to carry a great message.

Matt Talbot Group Dave D.  – (Tuesday 5:00 PM – Lincoln): The meeting is small but steady and going well.

District 3 meeting closed at 7:52 p.m. with the serenity prayer.

Next Meeting will be held June 4, 2013 at 28th and “S” streets 2nd floor (Room 2A) at 7:00 pm.