District 22 – April 2013
District 22 April Minutes Date: 4/17/2013
1. Moment of silence/ Serenity prayer. Everyone
2. Special announcements: None
3. Traditions read by: John S.
4. Members in attendance: Luke H., Emily S., Ron R. Kelly J., John S., Mike E., Seth H., Kjrestin E, Kyra
5. DCM/ALT DCM reports: From GSO records dept.- Said if we want to make changes to a meeting we should go through District 22. GSO Elections coming up. Sheets passed out for GSR or group changes.
5. Treasurers report: Bal. $731.72, Cost for WRSKP $114.99; Will see when rent is usually paid and how frequently it should be paid. Take into account reunion in May.
6. Intergroup: Look on Website
7. Secretary minutes: Seth H. Motioned/Seconded for approval Kyra; Seconded-Ron
8. Old Business: District Newsletter? Didn’t have a great follow through on bringing this back to groups, will bring idea to groups. Funding Mike for reunion.
9. New Business: None
10. Group Reports:
a. 164: 5th Anniversary May 14th. Year subscription to Grapevine being given. Potluck
b. Big Book Bunch: Few new members, attendance has slightly gone up.
c. Stag: Things are moving along, annual men’s retreat went fantastic
d. Sunday Night Wkshp: Good, talked about cutting their giving in other areas, rather then having the potential of not sending a GSR to area.
e. Wild Bunch: Anniversary went really good, topic came up possibly outlawing e-cigarettes in the building, controversial topic.
f. Rainbow Group:
g. LBB Study: Annivesary coming up, not sure when, will be co-ed, let the games begin!! Looking for alt-GSR. Outdoor meeting will start up soon. Otherwise good.