PI/CPC Minutes – April 2013
Attendance – 4
Old Business
Drug Court Presentation
Kjerstin revised the format (everyone likes it, will see how it goes in May and talk about other revisions after feedback)
No participants showed up for April Meeting
Luke & Jeff will go in May
Jesse contacted Jessi and is now the contact for that meeting
He requested that I email a day or so prior to remind him
He promised he will have participants there in future
Jeff H purchased:
30 speaking at Non AA mtg pamphlets
100 12 questions pamphlets
Purchased from Area 41
Will be shipped to Jeff; can decide what to do with them next month
Planned parenthood? Where is that located now?
Free clinics
Family physicians office
Doctor’s offices (people talk to their own doctors)
Social workers (in hospitals)
Gmail Account
Haven’t heard anything on this
New Business
Balance – $820 after literature is purchase
Funds are high, and have $600 requested for disbursement in 2013
Tell intergroup to remove that request from their budget
What’s next?
– Recruitment for PICPC
Accountable people
Having something for people to do if they come
Positions needed:
Intergroup rep
Districts reps (someone from each district in lincoln to take messages back to all the districts)
Jeff will check when we got PSAs last
Jeff will bring options of PSAs for us to look at next month
Jessi will bring the PI and the CPC workbooks from Area 41 for the committee to go through and establish a Plan of Action for the next 7 months.
Jeff will be taking meeting lists around to places (like he used to). He will bring a report of where next month.
Order literature for Doctors and Clergy packets (suggested by Area 41 CPC committee)
Bernice will send the lists to Jessi and she will check our current inventory
Then we will purchase the remaining pieces needed