Intergroup – December 2010

Lincoln Intergroup
PO Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506

The AA traditions were read by Albert



Bernice 3 – Newcomer meeting stating, looking for information to committees

Amy Z 21 – Workshop Feb 19, 9am – 12pm, needs secretary and alt. DCM

Ron R 22 – Voted on Area agenda to approve Area 41 budget. GSR’s go back to groups

Albert 29 – Balance $226.20, discussed Area 41 budget

Treasures report – Dick S
Working balance – $2508.78
Contributions – $544.80

Expenditures – Corrections committees $92.50
PI/CPC – $0

Ending working balance – $2961.08
Prudent reserve – $200
Ending working balance – $2961.08

Committee reports

Central office- had meeting on 11-18-10

Lincoln AA Corrections Committee- $438.49, no expenses. Rent and copies were the only expenses so far for 2011.

Hot line Chair- no report

PI/CPC- there are a couple of people interested in joining the group

Treatment Chair- no report

Website- shared web stats for the entire year of 2010. KZUM contacted chair on doing a public service announcements to broadcast.

Special events- no report

Old Business – None

New Business – Lauryn stepped down as hot line chair, new hot line temporary chair is Brian. Thanks for volunteering!

Next meeting will be held on January 28, Willard Community Center 1245 S. Folsom Street.

Pleased to be at your service. Brian D.