District 3 – April 2013
April 2, 2013
Opened at 7:05 p.m.
Traditions were read by Ryan T.
3 Officers were present 5 Groups were present
DCM – Bob M. Dave D. Matt Talbot Group
Intergroup – Mark S. Ryan T How It Works Group
Secretary – Sheila H. Sheila H./Jessica N. (Alt GSR) Lincoln Foxhall Group
Diane H. _ 60 Minutes Group
Susan M. Women’s Saturday Morning Group
Secretary’s Report: Sheila H. March 5, 2013 District 3 Meeting Minutes were approved as read.
Treasurer’s Report: Darrell W. None
Intergroup Report: Mark S. None (For full details, full report can be found on lincaa.org )
DCM Report: Bob M.
Bob Gave the Dates that District 3 is looking at for the 4 corners Workshop (3rd Quarter) to the meeting place for them to vote.
Area went over the GSC Agenda items for their committees.
Area Voting Item results:
VOTE: AGENDA ITEM 2013-01-12 001 Agenda
Select the District(s) to host the 2014 Area 41 Reunion.
District 22 bid to host the 2014 Area 41 Reunion. They were the only ones and will be hosting the 2014 reunion.
Area 41 select the location for the 2015-2016 Area 41 Meeting Weekends and Reunions.
Selected by Vote at Area 41 Midtown Holiday Inn Grand Island NE
Room Rate for both years 2015 – 2016
$89.00 Room / $159.00 Suite (for single/double/triple/quad occupancy plus applicable taxes)
All audio/visual equipment at no charge – All meeting room space per event (weekend) fees waived – Complimentary sleeping room for every 40 rooms actualized – 1st five gallons of coffee free (approx $23/gal including tax and gratuity)
VOTE: AGENDA ITEM 2013-01-12 003 Agenda – Area 41 Vote: This item Passed 29 For – 3 Against
Amend the Area 41 Reunion Guidelines to add the following line to the end of the “Speakers” section: 5 It is suggested that two hours be scheduled for the Area 41 Delegate’s Report from the General Service Conference, preferably on Saturday afternoon.
VOTE: AGENDA ITEM 2013-01-12 004 Archives – Area 41 Vote: This item Passed 33 For – 1 Against
Provide funding in the Area 41 Archives Committee budget for 2013 to allow the Area 41 Archivist to attend the National Archives Workshop in Springfield, IL September 12 – 15, 2013.
VOTE: AGENDA ITEM: 2012-01-21 #001a – Area 41 Vote: This item Passed 32 For – 3 Against
Area 41 shall approve the following as the method of handling a possible appeal of an Area 41 Standing Committee decision to “Take no action” on an agenda item.
Non-Emergency Items
1) Non-emergency floor actions are requests to consider agenda items that were resolved in committee by “Take no action”.
2) ONLY an originator of the agenda item can request a nonemergency floor action.
3) The Area 41 Chairperson will ask if there is a motion to permit the floor action. If a motion is made, seconded, and approved, the floor action will be placed on the voting agenda for the next Area 41 Business Meeting and the documentation from the standing committee will be published in the Area 41 newsletter.
VOTE: AGENDA ITEM: 2012-01-21 #001b – Area 41 Vote: This item Passed 33 For – 3 Against
Approve the proposed Area 41 Service Handbook.
Old Business:
Please Talk to your groups about having the District 3 Service position for the Alternate DCM open to be filled.
New Business:
4 Corners Workshop: 1. Topics for the workshop (take ideas back to your groups for input). 2. Dates for the Workshop. 3. If the workshop is held at the meeting place the cost may be approximately $100.00New Flyer regarding the Area 41 Reunion and the Pie contest. This will be emailed to the District 3 Secretary to email out to the GSR’s that have provided email addresses.
Group Reports:
How It Works Group Ryan T – (Sunday – Saturday 10:00PM – Lincoln)
Attendance during the month of March in the past has generally been good, however this past March attendance has dropped quite a bit, as well as the 7th tradition, however; the group continues to be self supporting. At the business meeting there have been discussions regarding the new rotation of the chair persons of the meetings and there is some concern in getting them filled.
60 Minutes Group Diane H. – (Sunday 10:15AM – Lincoln)
The business meeting is rescheduled for Sunday April 7th due to the regular meeting day being Easter Sunday. The meeting continues to go well.
Lincoln Foxhall Group Sheila H. – (Monday 7:30 PM – Lincoln)
The meeting has been going really good. We are in the process of lining up our speaker for our anniversary meeting which will be May 6th. We average 45 – 50 people every week and there is usually a new face or two.
Matt Talbot Group Dave D. – (Tuesday 5:00 PM – Lincoln)
This meeting is going good and is generally a small meeting, however attendance is low right now but expected to go up soon.
Women’s Saturday Morning Group Susan M. – (Saturday 11:00AM – Lincoln)
The next business meeting is Saturday April 6th. Attendance is good and the meeting is going well.
District 3 meeting closed at 7:56 p.m. with the serenity prayer.
Next Meeting will be held May 7, 2013 at 28th and “S” streets 2nd floor (Room 2A) at 7:00 pm.