District 22 – November 2013

1.      Traditions read by: Kyra
2.      Members in attendance:
3.      DCM/ALT DCM reports: None

5. Treasurers report: Bal. $679.49 Motioned approved to pay entire
year of rent.
6. Intergroup: Bal. $682.37. Dist 21 & 29 & 22. Dist. 21 planning GSR
Workshop. Web: 1500 visitors, 75% meeting info. Budgets submitted for
2014. Special events fliers being changed. Full report on website.
7. Secretary minutes: Approved
Motioned/Seconded for approval
8. Old Business: None

9. New Business: Voting Items: 1)Agenda & Report & Charter 5-1
minority voice stated; motion passes. 2)Agenda; Selecting district for
West Central Regional Service Conference; passes 5-0. 3) Finance
approval of Area 41 presented budget; motion passes 6-0. Motion for
District 22 to sponsor pizza at next business. Passes 6-0. Coupons &
options heavily discussed and decided on. Special events asking for
literature and/or other raffle items for groups for Holiday party,
taking back to groups. Party Dec. 14. District 21 is having GSR
workshop, incoming GSR workshop, nachotypical workshop. Rockstar
lineup intended for incoming GSR’s. Food, Dec 21, 2-5 pm at St.
James church.
10. Group Reports:
a. 164: Attendance steady; elections held and fulfilled. Super awesome
GSR coming in named Seth H., probably will keep everyone sober.
b. Big Book Bunch: Pretty much same attendance, 14-15, discussed
disbursements; GSO, District 22 , Central Office. Going to hold
elections next month.
c. Stag: Meeting is fine, elections to be held this month at business
mtg. in two weeks. Elections being announced at every month.
d. Sunday Night Wkshp: Elections held, good crew coming in, Chris L.
e. Wild Bunch: Very well, elections held, Luke new GSR. Discussed
importance of sending GSR to Area.
g. LBB Study: Good, had anniversary, packed house. Raffle included.
GSR Erica H., going to area on Saturday.