Intergroup – May 2012
Meeting Minutes – May 25, 2012
Lincoln Intergroup
PO Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506
Chairman: Bob B.
Vice Chairman: Ron R.
Secretary: Jessi W.
Treasurer: Dick S.
Began the meeting @ 6:30 pm
The AA Traditions were read by: Becky R.
Officers present: 4
Committees present: 5
Group chair members present: 7
Districts present: 1
Minutes approved for April 2012
District reports:
(03) – Not Present
Tom (21) – Not Present
Mike E. (22)
- Meeting was May 16th
- Started discussion about workshop ideas; will take ideas back to groups
- Grapevine workshop went well
Matt C. (29) – Not Present
Treasurers Report:
Balance forward: $2,594.01
Contribution(s): $0.00
Corrections Committee $150.00
Ending Balance $2,444.01
End Bank Statement April 30, 2012: $2,647.51
Mail checks to:
Lincoln Intergroup
P.O. Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506
Respectfully your servant, Dick S., Treasurer
Committee Reports:
Central Office Committee: (Jim K.) – Meeting April 19, 2012
Treasurer’s Report: Income $7,044.00
Expenses $6,265.99
Gain/Loss $ 778.01
Old Business
- Still need 1 alternate board member
- Jim K will make new wood sign for the CO
- Still discussing attending other meeting to discuss CO and it’s role in the community.
New Business
- DR voted in as board member
- Randy J. resigned from board
- Marcella needs help taking out of town orders to PO. Jim and Dru have offered to help.
Next Meeting: May 17, 2012
Corrections Committee: (Ron R.) – Meeting May 1
Balance $289.30
(Ron did pick up latest disbursement check – $150 – but has not been deposited yet. New balance will be: $439.30)
(LCF) – Joe G. Men’s meetings going well. Chad will check with facility’s staff regarding the status of women’s meetings.
(CCCL) – Tom E.; Men’s in-house 12 step study on Tuesday night is going well, and has a steady group of inmates attending. Most inmates were released at end of April. Plan is to begin the 12 Step over again with new group of inmates.
(D & E) – Bill O; Wednesday night meeting are going well – about 15-18 inmates attend weekly.
(RTC) – Bill O; Meeting going well (Saturdays). 3 outside volunteers and about 15 core group of inmates.
(Old Business) – Ron will contact Treatment Committee. Need to continue planning for join workshop this fall.
(New Business) – None
**Next Meeting, Tuesday, June 5 at 6pm – Meeting place (28th & S), room 2A
Hotline committee: (Brian C.)
Calls – 62
Requesting Meeting Info – 59
12 Step Calls – 3
Not answered – 4
** Passed out new sheets to take to groups. Please have these filled out for June Intergroup meeting. New lists will be in place for July, August, and September.
MEMBERS: Please note, there are numbers and information on the back of the sign-up sheet to further assist the groups and our responsibilities. Suggest to people signing up they save the numbers in their phone so they know it’s the hotline when a call comes through.
PI/CPC Committee: (Jessi W.) – Meeting cancelled, nothing to report.
Treatment Committee: (Becky R.)
- Have money and they intend to spend it.
- Discussed creating an email for the committee so when changes are made (with rotations, etc.) people can still get a hold of the committee. Would like to make more use of website capabilities.
Website Committee: (Ron E.)
- Has received updates from Districts 3, 21, 22, 29, Central Office, and lots of old minutes from District 21.
- Request: Please don’t put last names or email addresses in minutes, he will have to remove them – Website requirement, and also anonymity purposes.
- Intergroup informed Ron not to post Central Office Bulletins anymore.
- What should we do with old ones? Leave them up.
- We will just post meeting updates/changes.
Special Events Committee: (Carol)
- Balance: $636.24 (Still have lots to buy)
- People can donate things for 4th of July
- Committee needs: a Chair, secretary, treasurer
- Need people to help set up for the 4th of July
- Next meeting will be June 17th, 1pm, Highway Diner
For more info on all committee reports visit
Old Business:
- Continued discussion on budgets/Intergroup funds
- After looking through check registers, it was discovered Intergroup has not paid rent for 20 months.
- Committee representatives will bring budgets for this rotation back and be reevaluated.
- Lots of discussion on how this all will be done
- Request made that if committees are getting quarterly disbursements, each committee needs to be reporting a balance.
- Ron offered to post complete budgets on website, they were not in the Nov. 2011 minutes. (and also offered to post more details on committee pages)
- Motion: Committees bring back budgets for 2012 and present them, then Intergroup will make a budget for Intergroup. (Seconded, passes)
- Treasurer will catch up with rent on Tuesday, May 29th.
New Business:
- Ron (web chair) would still like to post AA events
- Can Special Events send a list of events
- Would like help designating what is AA approved
- A number of people spoke with him after meeting to help him
- Suggested he also talk to Marcella
- Also suggested that we spread word that if there is an AA Event, contact Ron and he will post it.
- Dick (treasurer) would like to step down from his position
- Spread the word to see if anyone is interested.
The next meeting is Friday, June 29 @ 6:30 @ Willard Community Center-1245 S. Folsom St.
Thank you for allowing me to be of service. Jessi W.