District 21 – August 2012
District 21 Meeting Agenda
August 19, 2012
12 Traditions read by: Jenni H
Officer Reports
Secretary’s Report (Michael F.):
Treasurer’s Report (Jon R.):
Beginning Balance: $396.04 (+$150 Prudent Reserve- Actual Balance is $546.04)
In | Out |
63.55 young people | rent $10.00 |
Ending Balance:$449.59 no deposit back, $499.59 if we did (+$150 Prudent Reserve- Actual Ending Balance $ 599.59 or $649.59 depending. This needs adjusted for food expenses for the picnic.
Intergroup Liaison Report (Tom B):
(for full details, full report can be found on lincaa.org)
Alt DCM Report (Linda S): Not present
DCM report (Jennifer R.):
Our Dist 21 Unit Picnic had an awesome turnout! Things seemed to run so smooth. Thanks to all the group members, GSRs , and officers who participated and thanks to the speakers for sharing about how awesome their groups are. I personally thought it was very interesting and rewarding to learn about the different groups in our District. We had 39 +kids in attendance.
The Area 41 Registrar has sent me a spreadsheet with all the active groups in our district and I will be working on contacting some of the groups to make sure we have current contacts and information regarding their groups. I will do my best to have this done prior to our Area 41 conference in September.
Yours in Service, Jennifer R
GSR Reports:
1 Pocket of Enthusiasm (Jenni H.): Things are well, new treasurer is working out very well. Bank account has been switched, hey feel they are solvent enough to disburse some funds.
2. Sufficient Substitute (Becky N.): Nothing new to report.
3. Women’s Circle of Friends (Vickie P): Things are going well.
4. Young People’s (Miranda R.): Things are going fine, the church moved some stuff out of the cabinet ,but not all of it,this is being addressed. Meeting is now at St. James at 11th and Lake. Going great.
5. Cafeteria Group (Tom B.): Things are going well, still trying to put together a committee to hold an anniversary meeting. They will celebrate 41 years in September. Attendance is good.
6. Spiritual Actions (Brian C.): Not present
7. Seeking Solutions (Nancy S.): Still looking for secretary and intergroup rep, so far no takers. Nothing new to report.
8. Steps we Take: ( Michael F): We rock.
9. 11th Step Group: (Jackie) Not present.
District 21 Business
Old Business:
1) VOTE: AGENDA ITEM: 2012-1-21, #004, Corrections
Area 41 approve the PowerPoint presentation created by the Corrections committee for use in Area 41 corrections work. Background: Our delegate Leon A passed a PowerPoint presentation that was being used in corrections work in New York State. The area 41 corrections committee took it upon ourselves to change it to apply to our area to use. It was approved by the Corrections Committee at the November 2011 assembly to be sent to the floor for area 41 approval since it will be used outside of AA. Area 41 Corrections Committee.
No discussion.
Brought to Vote:
For : 5 Against:2 No minority voice Passed
2.) Dist 21 Unity Picnic – Any feedback from the groups? Went really well, space was perfect. AC is a big importance for this picnic due to the heat. Date fit well with the rest of AA schedule of events.
3) Sufficient Substitute Group asked to provide a budget for Dist 21. Our treasurer has provided a proposed budget for us to discuss and handed out to all present.
New Business:
1. Would our Groups like us to have a workshop this year?
Please take back to groups to discuss as well as ask what topics they would be interested in?
What do you want us to do, topics for workshops.
2. Do we want to look at other locations for Dist 21 Bus Meetings with handicapped access?
Discussed with Bryan LGH, they are seeing what they would charge for the district business meeting. Felt that is really necessary that this meeting be open and available to all who may wish to attend.
Motion to close
Next Area 41 Assembly will be held Sat and Sun Sept 8th and 9th in Columbus
Next Dist 21 Business Meeting will be held Sunday, Sept 16th