Intergroup – August 2012
Intergroup Meeting Minutes – August 31, 2012
Lincoln Intergroup
PO Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506
Chairman: Bob B.
Vice Chairman: Ron R.
Secretary: Jessi W.
Treasurer: Dick S.
Began the meeting @ 6:30 pm
The AA Traditions were read by: Jan
Officers present: 4
Committees present: 4
Group chair members present: 13
Districts present: 3
Total People Present: 22
Minutes approved for July 2012
District reports:
Bob M. (03) – Not present
Tom (21)
- Had Unity Picnic, getting deposit back for that
- Good turnout, about 39 people and kids
- Area 41 Delegate gave report
- Ending balance $649.49 (with deposit back)
- Have a proposed budget for next year
- Talking about finding a new location for district meetings (something that is handicap accessible)
Mike E. (22)
- New GSR from Everyone’s Step!
Stacey N. (29) – Not present
Treasurers Report:
Balance forward: $1,555.27
Anonymous AA Group $150.00
Corrections Committee – (3 of 5) $150.00
Website Committee $ 86.61
Ending Balance $1,468.66
Reserve for Committee Budgets
Corrections $ 300.00
Treatment $ 500.00
PICPC (Corrected) $ 235.74
**Intergroup’s Balance after these Obligations $ 432.92
** This balance indicates where intergroup would stand at the end of the year, if all money requested by committees is disbursed and no more contributions are taken in from AA groups.
Thank you to the groups that contributed this month!
Mail checks to:
Lincoln Intergroup
P.O. Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506
Respectfully your servant, Dick S., Treasurer
Committee Reports:
Central Office Committee: (Jim K.) – Meeting July 19, 2012
Treasurer’s Report: Income $4,834.54
Expenses $7,339.51
Gain/Loss ($2,504.97)
Old Business
- Still need 1 alternate board member
- Still discussing attending other meetings to discuss CO and its role in community.
- Jim will bring up lack of Bridging the Gap Committee and discuss creating one at Intergroup.
- Ernie was to check on post office pick up of packages for Marcella.
New Business
- Eric will supply us with the Central Office bylaws and will discuss at next meeting.
Next Meeting: August 16, 2012
Corrections Committee: (Ron R.) – Meeting: August 7, 2012
Beginning Balance $409.30
Check from Intergroup $150.00
Ending Balance $559.30
(City County Jails) – Joe G. The downtown jail has requested a Spanish speaking meeting in their facility. Joe & Chad O will check into that. Suggestion was made to contact the Spanish District.
(Nebraska State Prison) – Joe G. Bill B. is looking for speakers for his Tuesday night speaker meeting. All speakers must fill-out an application and undergo a background check. Call Bill if interested.
(CCCL) – Tom E. In-house 12 Step study on Tuesday nights continues to go well. The facility has made a book request – See New Business. Volunteers interested in taking inmates to outside meetings no longer need to take an orientation class. All they have to do is fill-out an application and undergo a background check. Call CCCL if interested.
(D&E) – Bill O. Wednesday night meeting still going well.
(RTC) – Bill O. Saturday night meeting going well. A 4th volunteer has been cleared to attend.
(Old Business) – On-going discussion of joint Corrections/Treatment workshop this fall. There are now fliers out. Please take to groups.
(New Business) – CCCL has requested 6 hardback copies of the 12×12. Motion made and approved. No budget for Intergroup yet b/c they don’t know what they will have left after workshop.
**Next Meeting, Tuesday, September 4 at 6pm – Meeting place (28th & S), room 2A
Hotline committee: (Brian C.)
Calls – 113
Requesting Meeting Info – 92
12 Step Calls – 21
Not answered – 29 –
- Brian passed out new lists to representatives to be returned at September meeting. Please sign up, and make sure those get back to Brian. (For October, November, December)
** These are numbers from the new lists that are in affect for July, August, and September.
MEMBERS: Please note, there are numbers and information on the back of the sign-up sheet to further assist the groups and our responsibilities. Suggest to people signing up they save the numbers in their phone so they know it’s the hotline when a call comes through.
PI/CPC Committee: (Jessi W.)
- Balance: $603.32
- Met with Drug Court in August. Interested in working together. More information to come.
- Continuing to develop relationships with staff at treatment centers, Probation, Diversion, and LDAC programs. Interested in seeing how we can be of help to them. What issues do they see with clients/participants? Or what do new counselors needs to help them be effective?
- Approved an order of 100 pamphlets: 12 questions (quicker alcoholic diagnostic pamphlet)
- These will be distributed in waiting rooms or to doctors, etc.
Treatment Committee: (Becky R.) – Not Present
- Working with corrections – getting ready for workshop
- After the 1st of the year, would like to invite Area 41 Treatment Chair to our meeting to try and help give us some direction on our committee.
- Balance: $277.71 (before making copies for workshop)
- Paying for copies for workshop – about $40
- June Intergroup disbursement check has not been deposited yet. After that balance will be around $480.
Website Committee: (Ron E.)
- Received minutes from Districts 3, 21, 22 and PICPC
- Edited version of Central Office Bulletin is posted
- Lots of meeting updates from Marcella
- 50 subscribers!
- There was a request for 24 hour notice on email reminders
- Ron will try a different day next month
Special Events Committee: (Carol)
- Balance: $629.28
- Carole W. officially resigns.
- Account is closed and cashier’s check has been given to Intergroup
- Holiday Party is Dec. 1st at WSI Hall – both floors
- $275 already paid, need to pick up key day before
- No speaker has been selected, that will be up to the new committee
- Princella P. is current secretary
- Kevin S is storing supplies and Carole has the plastic pool used for 4th of July
- Contact Intergroup if interested in chairing committee. Chair has the paperwork, funds, and a proposed budget for all events.
**No meeting schedule for next month. Typically 3rd Sunday of the Month at 1pm at the HiWay Diner. (This is no longer listed on the meeting list for some reason.)
For more info on all committee reports visit
Old Business:
- Committee Budgets
- Treatment: $1,000 a year
- Breakdown
- Rent $120 a year
- Literature $300
- Area 41 (send Chair) $100
- Copies $100
- For 2012-2013 Re-Direction
- Help with Workshop $150 a year
- Invite Area Treatment chair $150
- Misc. $ 80
- Breakdown
- PICPC: $600 a year
- To be received on quarterly basis – $150 each quarter.
- Current Balance: $603.32.
- Treatment: $1,000 a year
- Breakdown
- Big Books: Drug Court is interested in receiving Big Book from us again. They used 4-5 years ago, but have had a grant for a few years, but is almost out.
- 12 X 12s: Would like to have available to programs who are in need.
- Pamphlets: Need to keep our stock plentiful. Seem to be useful to the professionals we work with.
- Mailings: Plan to do a mass mailing to the contacts we have found to let them know about PICPC and how we would like to be of service to them.
- Printing costs: For the mass mailing.
- Facility costs: Discussing the possibility of a newcomer meeting/AA orientation
- Display costs: Would like to be available to host a booth at fairs or trade shows (that has a target market of the professionals we work with, HR people or owner’s of businesses who would benefit from our info).
*We are still gathering more information from other programs and about events as to where our services might be useful.
- Special Events – No budget needed. Self supporting
- Hotline – $20 a year
- Website – $100 a year
- Intergroup – $250
- Rent & PO Box
*** Take these numbers back to groups to be voted on. Will be approving in September.***
- Check info on committee pages??
- PICPC – Yes, we are ok with it. Will check again in 6 months and reevaluate.
- District 21 meeting wrong on website
- Discussion on Central Office Bulletin is complete!
- Deposits are drying up. Mention to your groups?
New Business:
- More concerns about bulletin?
- All non AA stuff has been removed from the version posted on AA website.
- Central Office talking about visiting groups about its role.
- Concerns that CO is not AA, so shouldn’t be speaking to AA groups.
- Bernice would like to bring her posted that shows the flow of service structure and discuss it next month.
- Dawn suggested we ask our groups about their thoughts on intergroup.
- Tom said there had been a flier created to show what Intergroup is. Said it should be taken around to groups
- No one present at the meeting knew anything about this flier.
- Motion to table this discussion until next month.
- AA Anniversary
- No one showed up to the meeting.
- Robert C. will drop the idea for this year and will check with people again next April or May.
- Special Events
- Treasurer will deposit their money, but will reserve it for the next chair person.
- Old Timer’s Meeting was recorded on video?
- For archive purposes
- Will not be sold.
Meeting closed at 7:38 p.m. and we all gathered for the Serenity Prayer.
The next meeting is Friday, August 31 @ 6:30 p.m. @ Willard Community Center-1245 S. Folsom St.
Thank you for allowing me to be of service.
Jessi W.