Intergroup – November 2012
Meeting Minutes – November 28, 2012
Lincoln Intergroup
PO Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506
Chairman: Bob B.
Vice Chairman: Ron R.
Secretary: Jessi W.
Treasurer: Dick S.
Began the meeting @ 6:30 pm
The AA Traditions were read by: Jay
Officers present: 4
Committees present: 3
Group chair members present: 13
Districts present: 4
Total People Present: 21
Minutes approved for October 2012.
District reports:
Bob M. (03)
- Balance: $532.83
- Talking about a workshop
Tom (21) – Not Present
Mike E. (22)
- Tabled all business because of meeting date change in order to vote on agenda items
Stacey N. (29) – Nothing to report
Treasurers Report:
Balance forward: $1,606.42
Contribution(s): NONE
Correction to Deposit $0.50
Expenditures: NONE
Ending Balance $1606.92
Reserve for 2012 Committee Budgets
Treatment $ 500.00
PICPC (Corrected) $ 235.74
$ 735.74
**Intergroup’s Balance after these Obligations $ 871.18
** This balance indicates where intergroup would stand at the end of the year, if all money requested by committees is disbursed and no more contributions are taken in from AA groups.
2013 Budget Request
Treatment Committee $ 1,000.00
Corrections (2012 – $750) TBA
Hotline $ 20.00
Website $ 100.00
PICPC $ 600.00
Intergroup $ 250.00
$ 1,970.00
Mail checks to:
Lincoln Intergroup
P.O. Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506
Respectfully your servant, Dick S., Treasurer
Committee Reports:
Central Office Committee: (Jim K.) – Meeting October 18, 2012
Treasurer’s Report:
Income $6,753.13
Expenses $4,982.28
Gain/Loss $1,770.85
Old Business
• Still need 1 alternate board member
• Still discussing attending other meetings to discuss CO and its role in community.
• Jim K. will check with the meeting place about putting flyers for upcoming events online.
New Business
Next Meeting: November 15, 2012
Corrections Committee: (Ron R.) – Meeting: November 5, 2012
Beginning Balance $381.94
Daily Reflections & Large print BB to York Inmate $ 24.80
Balance $347.14
**Corrected Amount $347.23
(City-County Jails) – Joe G. Two men have filled out applications to do volunteer work in the downtown jail.
(CCCL) – Tom E. In-house 12 Step study on Tuesday nights continues to go well. Attendance has picked up.
(RTC) – Bill O. The lockdown is over, and the AA volunteers have resumed their Saturday night meeting
(Old Business) – None
(New Business) – Ron will contact the Treatment Committee about being reimbursed for expenses at the Corrections/Treatment Workshop last month.
Pockets of Enthusiasm will be sponsoring a meeting at LCF.
When the reimbursement is deposited to our checking account, the Corrections Committee will have somewhere in the area of $500.00. Looking ahead to 2013, that should be enough to meet the expenses of the Committee next year. As such, at this time, the Corrections Committee is not submitting a budget request for 2013.
***They will have a budget for 2013, just will not be requesting additional funds from Intergroup for the upcoming year.
**Next Meeting, Tuesday, December 4 at 6pm – Meeting place (28th & S), room 2A
Hotline committee: (Brian C.)
Calls – 88
Requesting Meeting Info – 72
12 Step Calls – 16
Not answered –30
** New sheets were passed out for January, February and March. They need to be returned to Brian at the December Intergroup meeting.
MEMBERS: Please note, there are numbers and information on the back of the sign-up sheet to further assist the groups and our responsibilities. Suggest to people signing up they save the numbers in their phone so they know it’s the hotline when a call comes through.
PI/CPC Committee: (Jessi W.)
- Balance: $593.32
- Jessi is working on compiling phones lists for Drug Court, Adult Probation/Diversion and Juvenile Probation/Diversion.
- Pamphlets are in. They will be distributed to hospital waiting rooms by next meeting. (Both BryanLGHs, St. Elizabeth’s, Heart Hospital)
- CPC at Area 41 – People are excited about the workshop PICPC did in April at the Independence Center. Districts in Kearney, Omaha and Beatrice are working on something similar.
Treatment Committee: (Becky R.) – Did not meet
Website Committee: (Ron E.)
- Minutes posted from all 4 districts
- Meeting lists for fall/winter now posted in on website (printer friendly version)
Special Events Committee: (Kevin) – not present
- Holiday Party TOMORROW!
**Meets 3rd Sunday of the Month at 1pm at the HiWay Diner. (This is no longer listed on the meeting list for some reason.)
For more info on all committee reports visit
Old Business:
- Intergroup pamphlet
- Complaints about color making it hard to read. Just remove?
- Stacey volunteered to help with editing.
- Reduce size of photos. Make it fit on a 8 1/2 x 11.
- Will have a new pamphlet to look at next month
- Should Intergroup meet quarterly? No more discussion. No change.
New Business:
- Dick will pay rent for 2013 – $180
Meeting closed at 6:55 p.m. and we all gathered for the Serenity Prayer.
The next meeting is Friday, December 28 @ 6:30 p.m. @ Willard Community Center-1245 S. Folsom St.
Thank you for allowing me to be of service,
Jessi H.