6:31p.m. Start Jake12 tradition. Bernice-Chair person. Secretary- Edward. Treasure-Lindsay Website-Sean Introduction Minutes read Treasure report Lindsay (attached report) Neal-Central office: Talked about spring fling, inventory went really good. (see attach central services form) Correction Bill: (see attached corrections form) Treatment …

Intergroup Meeting Minutes – February 2016 Read more »

BALANCE FORWARDED FROM NOVEMBER 2015 $1,859.36 CONTRIBUTIONS: NONE $0.00 Total Contributions: $0.00 $0.00 $1,859.36 EXPENDITURES: Treatment Committee 4th Quarter Disbursement $221.61 Total Expenditures: $221.61 ($221.61) ENDING BALANCE FOR DECEMBER 2015 $1,637.75 RESERVE FOR 2015 COMMITTEE BUDGETS: Treatment Committee $0.00 Corrections …

Intergroup Treasurer’s Report – December 2015 Read more »

BALANCE FORWARDED FROM OCTOBER 2015 $1,835.25 CONTRIBUTIONS: Women’s Circle of Friends $20.00 Sunday Noonish $20.00 Principles Before Personalitities $40.00 Total Contributions: $80.00 $80.00 $1,915.25 EXPENDITURES: Corrections 4th Quarter Disbursement $55.89 Total Expenditures: $55.89 ($55.89) ENDING BALANCE FOR NOVEMBER 2015 $1,859.36 …

Intergroup Treasurer’s Report – November 2015 Read more »

BALANCE FORWARDED FROM SEPTEMBER 2015 $1,551.69 CONTRIBUTIONS: Seeking Solutions $130.00 Clock Tower $30.00 DBA Rainbow Group $25.00 Big Book Bunch $25.00 Sunday Night Workshoop $73.56 Total Contributions: $283.56 $283.56 $1,835.25 EXPENDITURES: None $0.00 Total Expenditures: $0.00 $0.00 ENDING BALANCE FOR …

Intergroup Treasurer’s Report – October 2015 Read more »

BALANCE FORWARDED FROM AUGUST 2015 $1,167.50 CONTRIBUTIONS: Hour of A.A. Staying Sober $300.00 First 164th Group $75.00 Sat. Morning Mens’ $30.00 Fri. Night Young People’s $35.00 Total Contributions: $440.00 ($440.00) $1,607.50 EXPENDITURES: Corrections 3rd Quarter Disbursement $55.81 Total Expenditures: $55.81 …

Intergroup Treasurer’s Report – September 2015 Read more »

BALANCE FORWARDED FROM JANUARY 2015 $1,213.08 CONTRIBUTIONS: Saturday Morning Women’s $129.00 Saturday Morning Men’s $30.00 Happy Joyous & Free $20.00 Big Book Bunch $25.00 Total Contributions: $204.00 $204.00 $1,417.08 EXPENDITURES: #1215 Brandon for copies $5.89 #1216 PICPC 1st Quarter Disbursement …

Intergroup Treasurer’s Report – February 2015 Read more »

STARTING BALANCE JANUARY 2015 $1,153.61 TOTAL 2015 CONTRIBUTIONS UP TO DECEMBER 31, 2015 $2,263.76 $3,417.37 EXPENSES: January Willard Community/Rent $180.00 Post Office/Stamps 9.80 Office Depot/Open House/copies 145.20 February Brandon for copies 5.89 PICP 1st Quarter Disbursement 398.00 March None 0.00 …

Lincoln Intergroup Treasurer’s Report – January 2016 Read more »